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Problems after installing Backward Compatibility

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I think i posted this problem on the wrong section of the forum so here it cames:


Hello everyone, recently on my prestashop i had to install Backward Compability because paypal module stoped working and after that i figure it right after thar some things on backoffice stoped working currectly.


I made some search on my store and seems that something somehow mixed with the mysql DB and now for example, i cannot see modules positions, live edit also cannot see, also i cannot transplant any module, but the worst one is that after that the default referral prestashop system stoped working correctly aswell. Customers that came from referral sites are not tracked and i cannot pay my affiliates because nothing is working.


Since this problem happend with a module provided by prestashop, can anyone from prestashop support help me debugging the problems i have?


It will be hard for me install a new shop and migrate customers and template and orders and all the important part because im affraid to lose something.


Kind Regards to all and hope someone can really help me on this!

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Hi PC33, thank you for the message and welcome to the forum! First, I want to make sure that you read the rules and advices found here, http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/256751-read-first-forum-rules-and-best-practices/


This topic title really does not give much information, which leads to people skipping over it.


Even during issues like this, you wouldn't need to create a whole new store. Could you use your backup database and files to get it back to when the only issue was the your PayPal transactions?

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What 3rd party modules are you running on your shop? You might try to uninstall backward compatibility and roll back to the the version of paypal that came with prestashop version That would be the first thing I tried.

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Dh42 i did that, no success, and Benjamin Utterback sorry for the wrong part and no i dont have backups from that part. If at least i could find a way to backup customers, orders and products i would start a store from scratch and upload back only that part and the template, i think that would fix my problem. The thing is i really cant find a good way to backup exacly what i need, all customers informations, all orders informations and products, all the rest i can manage myselft i think.


Kind Regards.

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No, all stay the same ( with the current problem ) i think that backward compability somehow changed mysql but i really cant debug it, is there anyway to see backoffice errors with some debugging mode or something maybe it can help us better. But i think evan that wont fix Prestasho referral system problem that i have now.


Best Regards.

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If the database is throwing errors, then it's not recommended that you use that to backup, since it's not working. Remember to make sure you have a backup of your database and PrestaShop folders before you install additional modules/themes or change server/configuration settings. It will make things a lot easier for everybody, most importantly you!


Also, follow what Dh42 suggested and get the Error logs from your hosting provider. Also, turn on errors in your backoffice ftp under config/config.inc.php - around line 29 look for "display errors" and make sure it says "on instead of "off"

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Ok so i turned errors on and this is what i got and now we know its backward compability fault :P



: require(/home/gamekeys/public_html/modules/themeinstallator/backward_compatibility/backward.php) [


]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in


on line



Fatal error

: require() [


]: Failed opening required '/home/gamekeys/public_html/modules/themeinstallator/backward_compatibility/backward.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in


on line



Can anyone help on this?


Best regards.

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Hello again Theme problem is now fixed, i just replaced the old ones from the version and now its fully working.


Now the big problem which i really cant figure and i already told here aslo is the Referral system, before backward compability it was working all ok after that it stop tracking clicks, registrations and fees, so i dont know what do i have to pay to my affiliates :(


Note: no errors on backoffice for this one, all seem to be working except the tracking for clicks, registrations etc.


Best Regards.

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Well my friends :) thats the problem, if it was a module i should fixed like that i think.

The thing is that this is the Default Prestashop referral system under Stats - Referrers on backpanel, its verry simple and works like a charm, maybe if someone could tell me which tables i should replace on mysql i could install the default ones, not sure if that fix the problem...


Best Regards.

Edited by PC33 (see edit history)
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Maybe this image help.




Thats the referral default system for prestashop, sudenly stops tracking clicks and all the rest, the visits you see there are nothing compared with the ones i have from the affiliate site.


Also if that helps, when i had to install backward compability i also had to update Paypal module and on orders page i cant no longer see the paypal transaction which before that i was able to see and also i was able to see where the customer came from to make his purchase.

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Already made that also like 100+ times, i have a backup of the full db before this problems but i dont want to full restore it because i will lose orders and customers accounts. Maybe only restoring this tables and make a new installation on Paypal Module i dont know if that could work.

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