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[solved] Home Image Slider Module Image position problems

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Hello. I recently updated my prestashop and have run into a serious issue. My home page was all jumbled up and I am down to my last problem but am struggling to solve the problem. My images in the home slider when they change is showing multiple pictures at once. I use "Image Slider for your homepage". I think the problem lies in my grid_prestashop.css file. I have done some customization and can't figure out my problem. I do not have much experience and am just learning as I go along. (Attached is photo of slider issue. I know how to move the yellow image number just need help with image overlapping) Thanks for the help!!



Variable Grid System.

Learn more ~ http://www.spry-soft.com/grids/

Based on 960 Grid System - http://960.gs/


Licensed under GPL and MIT.



/* Containers


.container_9 {

margin:0 auto;

width: 980px;




/* Grid >> Global










.grid_9 {


float: left;

position: relative;

margin-right: 20px;




/* Grid >> Children (Alpha ~ First, Omega ~ Last)


.alpha {margin-left: 0;}

.omega {margin-right: 0;}



/* Grid >> 9 Columns


.container_9 .grid_1 {width:91px;}

.container_9 .grid_2 {width:202px;}

.container_9 .grid_3 {width:313px;}

.container_9 .grid_4 {width:424px;}

.container_9 .grid_5 {width:980px;}

.container_9 .grid_6 {width:646px;}

.container_9 .grid_7 {width:757px;}

.container_9 .grid_8 {width:868px;}

.container_9 .grid_9 {width:980px;}



/* Prefix Extra Space >> 9 Columns


.container_9 .prefix_1 {padding-left:111px;}

.container_9 .prefix_2 {padding-left:222px;}

.container_9 .prefix_3 {padding-left:333px;}

.container_9 .prefix_4 {padding-left:444px;}

.container_9 .prefix_5 {padding-left:555px;}

.container_9 .prefix_6 {padding-left:666px;}

.container_9 .prefix_7 {padding-left:777px;}

.container_9 .prefix_8 {padding-left:888px;}



/* Suffix Extra Space >> 9 Columns


.container_9 .suffix_1 {padding-right:111px;}

.container_9 .suffix_2 {padding-right:222px;}

.container_9 .suffix_3 {padding-right:333px;}

.container_9 .suffix_4 {padding-right:444px;}

.container_9 .suffix_5 {padding-right:555px;}

.container_9 .suffix_6 {padding-right:666px;}

.container_9 .suffix_7 {padding-right:777px;}

.container_9 .suffix_8 {padding-right:888px;}



/* Push Space >> 9 Columns


.container_9 .push_1 {left:111px;}

.container_9 .push_2 {left:222px;}

.container_9 .push_3 {left:333px;}

.container_9 .push_4 {left:444px;}

.container_9 .push_5 {left:555px;}

.container_9 .push_6 {left:666px;}

.container_9 .push_7 {left:777px;}

.container_9 .push_8 {left:888px;}



/* Pull Space >> 9 Columns


.container_9 .pull_1 {left:-111px;}

.container_9 .pull_2 {left:-222px;}

.container_9 .pull_3 {left:-333px;}

.container_9 .pull_4 {left:-444px;}

.container_9 .pull_5 {left:-555px;}

.container_9 .pull_6 {left:-666px;}

.container_9 .pull_7 {left:-777px;}

.container_9 .pull_8 {left:-888px;}



/* Clear Floated Elements



/* http://sonspring.com...clearing-floats */

.clear {

/*clear: both;

display: block;

overflow: hidden;

visibility: hidden;

width: 0;

height: 0;*/



/* http://perishablepre...earfix-css-hack


.clearfix:after {

clear: both;

content: ' ';

display: block;

font-size: 0;

line-height: 0;

visibility: hidden;

width: 0;

height: 0;



.clearfix { display: inline-block;



* html .clearfix {

height: 1%;



.clearfix {

display: block;




Edited by vekia (see edit history)
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