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logo link through mobile device

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Hi very new to this and have a few questions for store I am attempting to set up.


When selcting the logo on a mobile device it redirects to location /shop/gb and an error appears, I cannot work out how to remove the /gb from this link. I dont seem to have this issue on a pc.


Also is there a simple way of changing the title 'cart' to 'basket'?


any advice on this would be very much appreciated.


website is www.felicityfrench.co.uk/shop



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Hi Trinder,

To translate/change words in Prestashop, you normally can use localization->Translations.

In this case go to this menu, select Installed modules translations, then choose your theme (default 'default') and press the flag of the language you want to translate to. If you just want to change the English words to other words, press the USA flag.


If I understand you correctly, you should search for 'Cart' (CTRL-F in Windows browser, Command-F on Mac) and find lines that only have 'Cart' on it, no other words. The one you want to translate is the one in module 'Blockuserinfo'.


In the field right of it, you can enter the translation (basket)


As you can see, cart is used more often, so you might consider to translate them all, to be consistent...



My 2 cents,


Edited by PascalVG (see edit history)
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The order of the product building blocks can be changed in themes/<your theme folder>/product.tpl


I may give some example. What Prestashop version do you use?


Here and idea of PS (Make backup of file first!)


In short, find the block about quantities, starting with the following lines, (and down for about 38 lines):

{if (isset($quantity_discounts) && count($quantity_discounts) > 0)}
<!-- quantity discount -->


This part should be cut and moved to just below the detail part, so move it to somewhere just before (almost end of file):



(--Move the quantity block to here--)

{if isset($packItems) && $packItems|@count > 0}
<div id="blockpack">
 <h2>{l s='Pack content'}</h2>
 {include file="$tpl_dir./product-list.tpl" products=$packItems}


Hope this helps,


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Hi Pascal,


Cant modify the translation file beacuse:


Warning: Your hosting provider is using the suhosin patch for PHP, which limits the maximum number of fields allowed in a form: 1000 for suhosin.post.max_vars.

1000 for suhosin.request.max_vars.

Please ask your hosting provider to increase the suhosin limit to 3342 at least. Alternatively, you can edit the translation file manually.


any ideas?




Edited by Trinder (see edit history)
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Did you ask them to increase the number already??


if they don't allow it, try this: Copy file contents in link below to a file named

/themes/<your theme folder>/blockuserinfo/translations/en.php




and save the file. (If you have the choice, utf-8 encoded)


This translates (hopefully) the 'cart' on the Front office to 'basket'. As said, there are many more 'cart's in Prestashop, so not sure how useful this is, as you might want to translate them all. So best is to convince your provider to increase the number. Or switch host :-)


My 2 cents,


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