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Advanced Stock Management issue

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I have been using the AMS for awhile.

Recently we just noticed that whenever our order goes through successfully (marked as Shipped), the "Real Quantity" deducts which is fine.


But the physical/Usable Quantity stays the same, am I missing something or is there a bug?

I am using


And also, whenever we try to decrease the stock level, but "Real Quantity" goes down to negative as well.


Edited by jc87 (see edit history)
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The difference between "real" and "usable" quantities is so annoying. I understand why bigger/more sophisticated operations would use it, but it just makes my life harder. There should be at least an option to link them.


JerseyG, do you have to mark as Delivered manually or can the Fedex/UPS/etc modules do this for you?

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I have marked these manually, it was time consuming to catch up old orders as I had done an upgrade. there must be an easier way to do it but I do not have the knowledge.


Hope that this will bring your stock into order.



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The last answer should be linked to a sticky topic!


One you have set up your ASM and all goes fine you are highly prone to forget to link new carriers you might add to your logistics in the future.


At least I am and was and so many articles are now represented with the wrong 'real quantity'.


Only way to correct this for me is to go into the DB via phpmyadmin/heidiSQL and to adjust values there. You will find an answer to this on the forum by Vekia. http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/265524-real-quantity-problem/?do=findComment&comment=1324776

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