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Product title text too long...cuts off in "Featured Products"

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I have a product where the title text is too long for the Featured Products module. The text doesn't truncate (e.g. "..."), but rather just cuts off. I would like for all the text to show up, even if it takes up multiple lines.



Here's what I've done so far:



-edited the width in homefeatured.css (default directory, theme directory does not have this file) to:



#featured-products_block_center li {


padding:10px 0;




-changed the truncate value to a number high enough for the whole title to fit in homefeatured.tpl (theme directory)


-turned off cache and turned on forced compile, saved, deleted history, refreshed page


Before I made the changes, the title was aligned to the same width as the picture's width. After I made the changes, the title line shifted left, but the last letter is cut in half as if it's still trying to align. However, there's room for more characters yet they're not showing up...


I've attached a picture to give you a better idea.



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Hi Sell Sell Sell, I had this problem too. Don't know if it will work for you, but you could try my suggestion in post #132 of this thread:




If anyone could help with my similar (but not identical) Viewed Products problem, I'd be grateful. I think it may apply to the default theme as well as the one I'm trying out.


Thanks, Dave

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