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Error while ordering from Backoffice

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I need an urgent help, please.


The problem is I need to create a new order for a customer, I type the name and select it, but it doesn't let me add products as it says there is no adresses. Adresses are wroten correctly but does not display.


If customer buy it from front office it workes perfectly and no problem. I just see there could be a problem between "backoffice" and "adresses" connections.


Does anyone have any idea what kind of problem could be? Thanks!

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Prestashop version PrestaShop™ and that is my webshop backstore: 3dprinters-shop.com


I guess one solution to create a new order from backoffice loading correctly the dates could be that the dates doesn't load dynamicly..


If this not solve the issue I hope you can let me know what is the problem and give a solution. Thanks

Edited by pikelo (see edit history)
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Hi, to display the error, I access the Back Office, then I access the page Orders >> Orders and then I click on Add new. The following page appears:




I write to select a client:




And no error occurs. I can find all the customers you want and whenever you want. Then I click on the button called Choose and I get errors.


Without doing anything more than click on Choose, when finished loading the (alleged) customer data, see the following:




Not loaded any data (not customer data, not shipping data ...). Sometimes it seems that loads data by pressing the button called Choose, but returns all empty:




Other times, for example, I select a customer and there is no error but if I change the customer, first customer data still there, not renewed .... Sometimes I create the order without any error. I fill in all required fields, but when I click the button called Create the order, the order is made with invalid data that I have not selected.


The first version I had was Prestashop and, overnight, failed (at first everything worked fine). Then I upgraded to version and also fails the same ...


Errors occur only in that part of the Back Office. All the rest of the Back Office and Front Office work fine.

Edited by pikelo (see edit history)
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still NO answer and you can not offer a solution for this important issue? It doesn't work in IE, Chrome, Firefox.. it's a data tables communication problem between backoffice - addresses, so can't get it while manual ordering and NO shipping option is loaded either.


An option could be to make a module to create manual orders without Ajax..


Waiting for your reply asap.

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Have you turned Error reporting on in your config folder? This may give more information.


I'm trying to understand the problem but it is difficult because I have no come across anybody with the same issue.


Also, I'm reading your posts and it seems that you are saying that this problem actually may happen randomly? Or "most of the time"


Considering that this is not something that can be easily reproduced, it becomes even more difficult.

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I have a similar problem with version

When I create an order from the backoffice, I can choose the address, add products and payment methode, but no shipping. The order always shows "pick up at store" without shipping costs and I can  not modify the shipping methode to show the corresponding methode with its costs.


¿has anybody found a solution yet?

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