lildaan Posted June 23, 2013 Share Posted June 23, 2013 Weet iemand hoe ik de categorie en evt de subcategorie in het bestand rss.php in de map modules/feeder kan krijgen? Ik heb nu onderstaande: header("Content-Type:text/xml; charset=utf-8"); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n"; ?> <catalogus> <?php foreach ($products AS $product) { if ($product['active'] == 1){ $image = Image::getImages((int)($cookie->id_lang), $product['id_product']); echo "\t\t<product>\n"; // & in titel naar & omzetten echo "\t\t\t<Title>".str_replace("&", "&" , $product['name'])."</Title>\n"; echo "\t\t\t<Beschrijving>".str_replace("&", "&" , $product['description'])."</Beschrijving>\n"; echo "\t\t\t<Prijs>".html_entity_decode(Tools::displayPrice(Product::getPriceStatic($product['id_product']), $currency), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')."</Prijs>\n"; echo "\t\t\t<Image-locatie>"; $cdata = true; if (is_array($image) AND sizeof($image)) { echo _PS_BASE_URL_.__PS_BASE_URI__."img/p/".$image[0]['id_product']."-".$image[0]['id_image']."-home.jpg"; $cdata = false; } echo "</Image-locatie>\n"; echo "\t\t\t<Portokosten>"; echo "0"; echo "</Portokosten>\n"; echo "\t\t\t<Levertijd>"; echo "1-2 werkdagen"; echo "</Levertijd>\n"; echo "\t\t\t<Winkelproductcode>"; echo $product['id_product']; echo "</Winkelproductcode>\n"; echo "\t\t\t<Deeplink>".htmlspecialchars($link->getproductLink($product['id_product'], $product['link_rewrite'], Category::getLinkRewrite((int)($product['id_category_default']), $cookie->id_lang))).$affiliate."</Deeplink>\n"; echo "\t\t\t<Geslacht>"; echo "Dames"; echo "</Geslacht>\n"; echo "\t\t</product>\n"; } } ?> </catalogus> Ik heb al verschillende dingen geprobeerd. In een ander topic zag ik dat iemand dit bijv. gebruikte: echo "\t\t\t<Categorie>"; $cats = Product::getProductCategories($product['id_product']); foreach ($cats AS $cat) { //home category niet tonen if($cat != 1){ $catnames = Category::getSimpleCategories($cookie->id_lang); foreach ($catnames as $catname){ if ($catname['id_category'] == $cat) echo $catname['name']; [spam-filter]} echo "</Categorie>\n"; Maar dat werkte niet. Ik heb Prestashop 1.4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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