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[Solved] - Positioning modules fails. Modules no longer appear, ever.

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Mac OSX 10.5.2 - Safari 3.1.1 - PHP 5.2.3 - MySQL- 5.0.41


Positioning modules, particularly languages and site map, to any other hook and they never appear again. Also I moved the Paypal block icons from the left menu to the right menu and the disappeared. I tried to move them back again and they still do not appear. Something is not getting set properly in the database.

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1) Can you post the location (URL) of the tutorial(s) that shows someone how to create the PHP functions?


2) Can you translate the french version of: http://www.prestashop.com/forum/index.php/topic,440.msg1895.html#msg1895


for us English speaking blokes?


3) Who is supposed to create the PHP module functions to begin with?  Is that something that will be fully integrated in future versions (1.0vRC3+) so non-programming folks won't need to ask for assistance with this issue?


Keep up the great work and thank you for helping me with the .htaccess file.  That was such a simple, silly mistake on my part.  Thanks Philippe!

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