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[solved] images not showing in front-ed

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i think that the problem is related to the image types that modules use.





have you got "new product" image type defined under the preferences > images tab im your back office?

If so, the problem is probably related to the space betwen "new" and "product".

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Well, problem fixed!!! thanks a lot for your advice. But let me ask you another issue: I´ve changed the position of a module on the home page and now I can´t undo that move... (destacado should be below nuevos productos) Do you know how to fix it?


truly thanks

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you're welcome B)


your second issue:

you cannot "restore" postion with some feature etc. the only way to achieve what you want is to... change position of the module, just do the same as before - but move it there, where you want.


btw. if you've got more questions, please create new thread, im convinced that it will be really helpful for our community



topic marked as [solved]



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