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Upgrade gone wrong

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I just tried to upgrade my shop from to with the 1click upgrade module. The checklist was all green and the php time limit said 'unlimited'. During the database upgrade I got an internet server error with some error message about "upgradeDb".


When I reloaded my shop the module said it was upgraded to the latest version ( The backend looks like the latest version but some of the page show up blank. Like modules and payments.


The ordering process seems ok and my products and customer records are all still there.


The question is, can I manually update the database via phpmyadmin to finish the whole updating process w/o having to restore my shop completely? (It's a lot of data and files.)

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The question is of course that you don't know how far the upgrade went.


Another issue is that many upgrades go wrong because of some incompatible module or theme. If that would be at the core of your problem all your efforts would be in vain - unless you start with another theme and disable the guilty modules.


I am not an expert but I have noticed what are very likely the relevant files:

- in the directory myshop/myadmin/autoupgrade/latest/prestashop/install/upgrade/sql you will find what look like the database changes needed for the upgrade.

- in the directory myshop/myadmin/autoupgrade/latest/prestashop/install/upgrade/php you will find scripts that seem to be used for the upgrade


I hope this helps...

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