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hi all, i wanted to know when you create a CMS is there a way to make it full page on the site instead of it having both columns on the sides.. I have a ton of info i must post and its in the center column which will make it very very long, is there any options out there or a module that will create a full page i can link to the site..



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thanks, so it's easy to achieve :)


open the file:



you've got there init() function, code should looks like:

public function init()


you have to add:

$this->display_column_left = false;
$this->display_column_right = false;



so change init function to:

public function init()
$this->display_column_left = false;
$this->display_column_right = false;

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you're welcome B) so, now i can mark this thread as [solved]

btw. you can also mark own threads as solved, this markup is really helpful for other community members - if they see it, they know that in the thread they can get working solution :)


below i pasted step-by-step instruction:

To mark a topic as [solved] :

- Edit the first post of your topic by clicking on the "Edit" button,

- Click on the "Use full editor" button,

- Add the "[solved]" string at the beginning of your topic title and click on the "Submit Modified Post" button.


btw. i also moved your thread to the correct forum section :)

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