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add ecommerce tracking code to the website

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I am very much new to Presta Shop and I really loving this ! I am stucked in integrating Ecoomerce Tracking code so that the transaction can be captured into my Google Analytics accounts. So I have installed Google Analytic modules under stats and analytic and entered my google analytics ID there.


Please suggest If I have done the right thing or do I need to do something else. Please guide.


Also it will be a great help if anyone can guide me on how to find the Thank you page URL.


I am using Authorize.net AIM (Advanced Integration Module 1.4.4).


Thanks !

Edited by prestashop-new (see edit history)
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paste please url to your website,

you can also check live stats in the google analytics page , if you see traffic there - everything is okay.


what you mean by Thank you page? and what kind of code you have to put there?

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Thanks for the reply. I am worried of pasting my websites url. Is there any option so that only you can see my web URL?

Also I have installed Google Analytic modules under stats and analytic and entered my google analytics ID there. So did I done the right job for eCommerce code tracking?

And Thank you page is for once payment done then how to track the success URL after payment done,I am using Authorize.net AIM (Advanced Integration Module 1.4.4).



Edited by prestashop-new (see edit history)
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