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Order Email

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Having a problem with emails sent to store owner notifing of an order. It is not displaying the "customization" text box entries. Orders sent to customer are.


Anyone know where I can tweak this email or why not getting on the admin end. Way I have it set up is using Mail Alerts module to send the notice of orders to main email account. Was not getting them with no module.


I looked in the mail alert module folder & there is an en.php but I'm not seeing any code...



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Thank you Valerie for your response!


I suppose that is what I'm confused on, specifically what do I put in the code. Or possibly would it be easier to add BCC to the email sent to the customer since they are getting the correct for.


PHP is coding is not my strongest, can get my way around but when comes to nitty gritty not sure of myself.

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