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Delete Prestashop addons account from module page.

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open the file:


_ADMIN_DIR_/themes/default/template/controllers/modules/filters.tpl and remove code:


<!--start addons login-->
  <div class="filter-module" id="addons_login_div">
   <p>{l s='Do you have a %s account?' sprintf='<a href="http://addons.prestashop.com/">PrestaShop Addons</a>'}</p>
   <form id="addons_login_form" method="post">
 <label>{l s='Addons Login'} :</label> <input type="text" value="" id="username_addons" autocomplete="off" class="ac_input">
 <label>{l s= 'Password Addons'} :</label> <input type="password" value="" id="password_addons" autocomplete="off" class="ac_input">
 <input type="submit" class="button" id="addons_login_button" value="{l s='Log in'}">
 <br /><span id="addons_loading" style="color:red"></span>
  <!--end addons login-->

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