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Selected currency converts back to £GBP on paypal screens

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When a customer selects a currency, for example AUS Dollars and then tries to checkout, the total is displayed in £'s on the paypal screens.


So Item which cost £5.00 in GBP totals A$6.89 in dollars


But paypal displays it as being a total of £6.89 which is clearly wrong as it should only cost £5.00 in the UK.


Any idea, what is causing this?

I've just gone live today, and this has broken it :(

I'm running PS 1.5.4


Please help :(

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Thanks Tomerg3


I'm running PP version 3.4.8.

I did install the latest version but it didn't solve the problem.


In terms of the currency and paypal screen, from the tests I've done, It parses the total values thru to the paypal screen, but not correctly, and doesn't use the correct $ symbol, see below:


Shopping basket:

item $6.43

P&P $1.56

Total $7.99


Paypal screen: (all in £ symbols)

item £6.43

P&P £1.00

Total £7.43 GBP


It's displaying USA total for the item and UK total for shipping, but neither with the correct currency symbol/codes.... I really can't work it out.


Also, in the latest PP version, which file replaces the current payment/submit.php page? it's so different to mine..


Thanks again

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Just shooting off the hip here, what currencies is your paypal account set up to take?


Thanks Dh42


I've just checked in paypal and it would appear that, as standard in all paypal accounts, you can receive payments in the 5 currencies I offer. Euro, Dollar, Canadian Dollars, Australian Dollars, and pounds.


Is that what you mean?

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Some more information:


Just set up a sub-domain to my old prestashop web store

I've now established that it IS working correctly on that old version. Nothing in my paypal account has changed since then, so the problem only exists on 1.5.4, Either with the currency block, or the paypal module?


Paypal mod has always been set up to accept pounds which is the shop default, but it's carrying the wrong total over to the paypal screen.


I updated to PayPal 3.5 and this did not solve the problem either. I've attached some images.


Any thoughts?


Also, in the latest Paypal module, which file replaces the old payment/submit.php page? is it the 'process' page?


Many Thanks



Edited by atwitz3nd (see edit history)
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