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[solved] Adding Instagram Icon on Prestashop

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I want to add up Instagram icon at the Follow us area at Home.

I go to module> social networking block , but only have 3 icons ; FB, Twitter, RSS.


Hence, i go to ;



The code as below;

<div id="social_block">

<h4>{l s='Follow us' mod='blocksocial'}</h4>



{if $facebook_url != ''}<li class="facebook"><a href="{$facebook_url|escape:html:'UTF-8'}">{l s='Facebook' mod='blocksocial'}</a></li>{/if}


{if $twitter_url != ''}<li class="twitter"><a href="{$twitter_url|escape:html:'UTF-8'}">{l s='Twitter' mod='blocksocial'}</a></li>{/if}


{if $rss_url != ''}<li class="rss"><a href="{$rss_url|escape:html:'UTF-8'}">{l s='RSS' mod='blocksocial'}</a></li>{/if}





How to add up the instagram?

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right after rss add this:

<li class="instagram"><a href="url_to_your_instagram_profile">{l s='Instagram' mod='blocksocial'}</a></li>


then open the global.css

you've got there something like:

/*************** Block SOCIAL ***************/
#social_block {padding:15px 10px;}
#social_block li {padding-left:22px !important;}
#social_block li.facebook {background:url(../../../modules/blocksocial/img/sprite_pict_social_block.png) no-repeat 0 6px;}
#social_block li.twitter {background:url(../../../modules/blocksocial/img/sprite_pict_social_block.png) no-repeat 0 -26px;}
#social_block li.rss {background:url(../../../modules/blocksocial/img/sprite_pict_social_block.png) no-repeat 0 -56px;}



add instagram style, like this:

#social_block li.instagram {background:url(http://www.smith.edu...nstagram-16.png) no-repeat}



don't forget about instagram icon (i pasted icon to another website - you have to download it and upload on own server)

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