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sitemap links

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in the module .tpl file (blockpermanentlinks-header.tpl) you've got:

<li id="header_link_sitemap"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('sitemap')}" title="{l s='sitemap' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}">{l s='sitemap' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}</a></li>


just remove it or comment it: {* code here *}

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make sure that you edit correct file. I mean, that sometimes module .tpl files are also in the themes/your_theme/modules/blockpermanentlink directory.


if these files are there - you have to edit them there.


YOu can also try to clear cache directories on your ftp.

  1. cache/smarty/compile
  2. cache/smarty/cache

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went to the places and the code is gone, went to themes/your_theme/modules/blockpermanentlink directory. and there is not block. also i found the cache you were talking about but how do you clear it. i have a index.php file to edit only


also the compile has a ton of info in it, do i delete it all?

Edited by scenteddelights (see edit history)
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