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Auto Start/Batch Combinations Generator?

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Hello all.


I have a fair amount of products I have imported with combinations, the combinations data I imported looks like this:



33,Ramps;Select,No Ramps,0

33,Wireless Remote;Select,No Remote,0


The intent is to create a combination for this product with selections for optional ramps/no ramps and/or wireless remote/no wireless remote.


After the CSV import I get this in the combinations section of the Product back office:



Ramps - No Ramps $0.00 0.000000lb

Wireless Remote - No Remote $0.00 0.000000lb

Wireless Remote - W/ Wireless Remote $95.00 0.000000lb

Ramps - 7000Lb Ramps $225.00 0.000000lb


This looks good in the front, but it does not work. the selection buttons do not change the price, not adding the 95.00 or the 225.00 when either or both options are selected.


I have found that running the "Combinations Generator" fixes the selection buttons problem mentioned above, and thats great.



My question is, can I somehow batch all of my products with combinations to run through the "combinations generator"? I only need the default settings selected. I have about 3k products with combinations and clicking through just seems like a nightmare.


Any help appreciated!

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Hi all,


I just wanted to share the "Solution" I came up with for this problem.


I have created a text file from a db query which contains the link directly to a products "combination generator" page, specifically, the text file contains a link to every one of the 3k+ products I have which have combinations.


I then created an applescript to loop through all of the links in that text file one by one, open/activate safari, tab three times to get into the form fields, and then send the return key. I will post this applescript below.

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tell application "Finder"
set Names to paragraphs of (read (choose file with prompt "Pick text file containing track names"))
repeat with nextLine in Names
 if length of nextLine is greater than 0 then

  tell application "Safari"
  end tell

  tell application "Safari" to set the URL of the front document to nextLine

  tell application "System Events"
   tell application process "Safari"

 delay 35 -- need to allow enough time for the web page to load; adjust as necessary

 tell application "Safari"
 end tell

 keystroke tab
 keystroke tab
 keystroke tab
 keystroke tab
 keystroke tab
 keystroke tab
 keystroke tab
 keystroke tab
 keystroke return

 delay 80 -- need to allow enough time for the web page to load; adjust as necessary
   end tell
  end tell

 end if
end repeat
end tell

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