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[solved] Charset problems after modifying html

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Hello. I'm trying to modify the html and while doing that I encounter a problem with some characters; in this case with é. Prestashop does not generate it properly if the é is within the html i have written myself but if it is written within the original code there are no problems.




If you have a look at the blue bar in the top you can see the problem in the 4th field. It should be written Sécurité informatique but something else appears.


Further down on the page under PRODUITS PHARES I have created a Test Product and have written a few letters like éèàô and they all appers as they should.


Could anyone please tell me how to get around this and also maybe explain what is happening? I have no real experience of working with server side script.





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make sure that you edited file and then saved it with utf-8 encoding (without BOM)


Thank you so much! I tried to edit directly on the server by using the editor in Webmin and that seem to have changed the encoding of the file. Now it is all fine.

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