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[solved] Remove right column and make center_column wider


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I want to remove the tight column on all pages my site, and mage center_column wider.


I have removed right column with this (found in a topic in here)


In themes/your_theme/footer.tpl change this:


<!-- Right -->

{* <-- this

<div id="right_column" class="column grid_2 omega">



*} <-. this


Now the right column is not present any longer.


But how do I make center_column wider?

Center_column must have the Width from center + right column.


Where do I change this?

Edited by Guest (see edit history)
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well, it isn't possible that this error occur because you change gird_5 to grid_7, believe me. The problem is probably somewhere else (or with parse error of the code that you changed)


so if it possible: paste the code you've got there


check also error log (php error log) or turn on error reporting.

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I have changed my answer. It Works on some pages, but


On product listing and product page the column has stille the "old" Width.


Can you help me with this?

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This Works for me. topic closed.



< !-- Right -->

{* <- tilføjet

<div id="right_column" class="column grid_2 omega">



*} <- tilføjet



< !-- Center -->

< div id="center_column" class=" grid_5">

Ændre til

< !-- Center -->

< div id="center_column" class=" grid_7 omega">


Themes css/product_list.css

Linie 31 ændret fra 352 til 500



Themes css/product.css

pb-left-column og pb-right-column ændret til 350

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