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Blank screen for Live Edit

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I want to use Live Edit to reposition some of the modules on my home page, but whenever I click on it, I just get a blank screen.


Can anyone suggest what the issue might be or how to resolve this?


I'm not sure I'd be able to move them around manually by tweaking the code. The user guide says it's for experts only - which I'm not!


Thanks, Dave

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if you've got blank page - there is error probably with parse / php scripts.

if it is possible - turn on error reporting in your prestashop - and try to use live edit tool again. if any error appear - paste it here.


you can also check PHP error log (if you've got an access to this file)

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Hi Vekia,


I switched on error reporting, and this is what I got:


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyException' with message 'Unable to load template file 'C:\Domains\53137\zimport.co.uk\wwwroot\Jacaranda\Shop/themes/live_edit.tpl'' in C:\Domains\53137\zimport.co.uk\wwwroot\Jacaranda\Shop\tools\smarty\sysplugins\smarty_internal_templatebase.php:127 Stack trace: #0 C:\Domains\53137\zimport.co.uk\wwwroot\Jacaranda\Shop\classes\controller\FrontController.php(794): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch() #1 C:\Domains\53137\zimport.co.uk\wwwroot\Jacaranda\Shop\classes\controller\FrontController.php(532): FrontControllerCore->getLiveEditFooter() #2 C:\Domains\53137\zimport.co.uk\wwwroot\Jacaranda\Shop\classes\controller\Controller.php(185): FrontControllerCore->display() #3 C:\Domains\53137\zimport.co.uk\wwwroot\Jacaranda\Shop\classes\Dispatcher.php(349): ControllerCore->run() #4 C:\Domains\53137\zimport.co.uk\wwwroot\Jacaranda\Shop\index.php(28): DispatcherCore->dispatch() #5 {main} thrown in C:\Domains\53137\zimport.co.uk\wwwroot\Jacaranda\Shop\tools\smarty\sysplugins\smarty_internal_templatebase.php on line 127


Thanks, Dave

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HI Vekia,


There is a file called zlive_edit.tpl in the themes folder on my web host - as there is in the original download of


I made a copy of this and called it live_edit.tpl, put it in the themes folders, and now Live Edit works.


Is the renaming of that file something that should have happened during installation?


Thanks, Dave

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