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Display 'Product.condition' in shopping cart?

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Hi there, hoping someone can help


Any idea how to display the 'product.condition' field in the shopping cart? (for each product)


I'm using {$product.condition} but nothing outputs in the cart. I can output all the other fields in the product table, but not 'condition' which is a field I've customized and use lots. I have this field displayed on my product pages, no trouble.


In shopping-cart-product-line.tpl i have

 {$product.condition} | {$product.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}


Do I need to add something somewhere else?

Go on, make my day, Pleeeeese help


Many Thanks


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Can no-one help with this?

I only what to out put a value. Just display a field that already exists in the product table 'product.condition' inside the shopping cart!


I have this in the shopping-cart-line.tpl

{l s={$product->condition[spam-filter]


with the following in classes/cart.php

public $condition;




condition' =>				 array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isCondition'),


It's not broken, just not showing the result, I've tried all sorts but getting nowhere.


Please spare a moment to help me with this, I LOVE prestashop, but this forum is the weakest link, I'm always left hanging :(

Edited by atwitz3nd (see edit history)
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