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[Solved] How can I keep track of free downloads on my site?

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Do you have google analytics? you will be able to see click throughs on that, especially if you set up a goals path for the downloads.


Though out of interest why didn't you make them products with a 0 price, you would be able to track them easier then and by not allowing guest checkout they would have to become a registered user to get them, plus it gives them a chance to see a little what they are getting.

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Scarlet, I am seriously thinking of changing to what you mentioned. I didn't want it as "products" at first, because of a stupid reason (not wanting to clutter up the products), then tried to do a multistore with the second one only having the freebies, decided it was too much for me to understand and now realize I actually have no control!


I do have Google Analytics, but would prefer working in the BO only. I am very new to Prestashop and still have a lot to learn. If I can get the page ID not to show in the URL, I would do it.


Thanks for your answer!

Edited by touchdez (see edit history)
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Truthfully I don't really understand GA fully, I use my BO too but tend to go to GA when I want to do a bit of SEO work because there I can find what people were searching and where on my site they went.


When you add them as products just put them in their own category and not in the home category if you are using that, then they won't show in featured products, then they shouldn't clutter anything up.

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to each button you can add action: onclick="action" - where the "action" is an javascript code.


in this case you can use this code:


_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'freebie', 'Download', 'frebie SOMETHING downloaded!']);



after each click on download button - google analytics will track this event, and you will be able to see stats in analytics page

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