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[solved] 500 Internal Server Error when transferring PrestaShop 1.5 from localhost to live

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> Thanks to vekia, simply just delete .htaccess in your root whenever you encounter the same problem



Hello folks,


I downloaded PS 1.5 yesterday and started to build my own store. I put the files altogether inside the subfolder /prestashop/ in my localhost.


I tried to transfer my store from localhost to live server today. Here are what I did today:


1. I went to localhost/phpmyadmin/ and export only the database named 'prestashop' (There are other databases e.g: information_schema, mysql, performance_schema, test) I have no idea what are those databases so I just leave them alone


2. I went to cPanel inside my hosting and created a new database. I import my .SQL file from the database in the localhost to my server's database. During this step, I encountered an error:


SQL query:
-- Database: `prestashop`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `ps_access`
`id_profile` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
`id_tab` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
`view` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
`add` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
`edit` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
`delete` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY (  `id_profile` ,  `id_tab` )
MySQL said:
#1046 - No database selected


According to my hosting provider's customer service I have to add USE 1023213_jgh77 in the beginning of my .SQL file. Fortunately, it solved the problem at this level.


3. Using FTP, I transferred 'prestashop' folder in my localhost to root folder in my hosting server. ps: I changed from subfolder 'prestashop' to nothing. So my domain would be jgh77.com/index.php instead of jgh77.com/prestashop/index.php


4. I opened settings.inc.php and input my database's information correctly


5. I found ps_configuration inside my new database and changed PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL from 'localhost' to my domain, and I found ps_shop_url and changed the value of 'domain' , 'domain_ssl' , and 'physical_uri'




Please let me know if I did something wrong because I couldn't see one and still unable to get this straight.




Edited by dodgerBlue (see edit history)
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I am unable to access both front office and back office. Doesn't removing .htaccess will be the next step after we're able to access our back office ?


I'm currently asking my friend to solve the problem, in the meantime I'll just leave him alone to do his work. In other words, I wouldn't be able to delete .htaccess at the moment


Thank you for your reply vekia. I will definitely try to remove .htaccess after he gives up

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you can also check PHP error log (if you've got an access to this file)


internal server error means, that there is something wrong probably something with php scripts / db / .htaccess file.

so if you've got an access to the logs - you should definitely check them

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I have no clue what my problem was all about, I just know that removing .htaccess will fix the error LOL,


anyway, I also put on my first post the solution to my problem and hopefully it will solve other's as well. Thanks again, vekia !

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