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question about product details

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Hi folkes,


I am trying to make a website for a firend of mine which has a pizza store, he wants to sell online too.

He has given me for example this website:



So, for a week i tryed to "play" with some open souce solutions and i finally decided that prestashop suits me. I fugured out some tricks, some very helpful modules but i still didnt find any ideea of how can i do something like this:

i want all the products shown as list and near each product to appear his attributes with different prices (e.g. a pizza and its chousable size ..and different price). I succeded to make this with attributes and combinations but only in product detailed page. So basically i dont want the costumer to enter each pizzas detail page in order to choose the size he desires. Hopefully guys you understood what i mean :) if not take look on the link above. i am waiting for ur suggestions


Thank you in advance.

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