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ERP / POS and integration with barcode scanners

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I'm putting together a shop that will first launch an online business followed next year with a retail space. While trying to plan for the future one thing that my business partner and I want to do is to integrate the usage of a ERP and POS system.

Since there is support for EAN (barcode) then I was curious as to where it stands on integration with a third party opensource app.

I found openBravo ERP http://forge.openbravo.com/projects/openbravoerp and liked the looks of it along with the various options. This also had an opensource companion for POS (including touch-screen support).

The difficulty that I forsee is integrating the two systems together, especially since there doesn't seem to be an automatic way (or a module) of exporting something ala a CSV file or XML outside of, say, going through PHPMyAdmin and doing on the server end.

I have to believe that others have run into the need for this and I was curious as to what solutions they have found.


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