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[Solved] Just destroyed my shop (Again) (Urgent help needed)

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Upgraded successfully, but the home-page text was missing. So I replaced my homefeatured directory in themes with the old presta backup one. Now none of my images are showing up.

Is there anything I can do to get them back? I didn't backup the new presta themes directory.

I've also replaced my shops logo with Prestashop one.

Any help would be extremely appreciated!

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Also my website icon has gone back to Prestashop one. Might have affected my themes...

I don't understand what's happening. I copied over the previous version, hmmm. Might try and upload the new versions homefeatured directory again. Might have been upgraded since last version...

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Sorry for wasting everyone's time.

Fixed the problem. I had forgotten to upload my IMG directory! lol

It was Safari's fault for not refreshing when I asked it to several times...

It made me believe everything was fine, so when I replaced that folder for the homepage txt (Which was the wrong folder anyway) it made me think I'd done something wrong...

So in the end it was Safari's fault not mine (Honest)

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