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/img/p issue

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I am running Prestashop



My problem it's with images.


All the images (generated) are in img/p/ [a folder ex 1,2,3] insteed of /p/11-31-large_default.jpg for example


I tried to regenerate all the thumbs.


The problem it's that no data feed loads the images.

Datafeed Image Code:


   'image' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'image',

       '.$db_tables['product_lang'].' ON '.$db_tables['product'].'.id_product = '.$db_tables['product_lang'].'.id_product AND '.$db_tables['product_lang'].'.id_lang = '.$okazii_language.'    
       '.$db_tables['image'].' ON '.$db_tables['product'].'.id_product = '.$db_tables['image'].'.id_product AND '.$db_tables['image'].'.cover =1

$okazii_Product['image_url'] = $okazii_Product['id_image'] > 0 ? "http://" . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8") . _THEME_PROD_DIR_ . $okazii_Product['id_product'] . "-" . $okazii_Product['id_image'] . "-large_default.jpg" : '';

$Photos = explode("||",$okazii_Product['image_url']);
               $productPhotos .= "<PHOTOS>"."\r\n";
               foreach($Photos as $Photo){
                   $productPhotos .= "<URL>".$Photo."</URL>"."\r\n";
               $productPhotos .= "</PHOTOS>"."\r\n";
           $altele = "";

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it's not an issue, this is how prestashop works. your images are stored in the separate directories in the img/p

"11-31-large_default.jpg " - this is an method of "mod rewriting" images


Thanks but why the data-feed doesn't find the images?

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it's because the htaccess (i suppose)


i think that the best way to get working urls to pictures is a $link object and getImageLink function


Thanks for your reply.


Can I get an example of that code? or a documentation link, i searched Google but I found nothing

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