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Contact Module Block

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Afternoon all,


I"m trying to edit the contact information on the block back files but do not see where to edit the time frame..i went to the blockcontactinfos.php and blockcontactinfos.tlp and did not see info on this. i'd like to change the contact us 24\7 to a more respectable time frame. i'm using 1.5.4 and using the default theme. Can anyone help out please




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this is blockcontact module

check modules/blockcontact/blockcontact.tpl file (if this file exist in your theme dir - edit it there)


you can also use default translations tool in back office (lozalization>translations tab)

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I need to zoom in my product image, but unfortunately the basic prestashop gave a normal zooming effect.


is there any plugin or modules to give a zoom effect for my products?


help me.. :(


hello, i suggest you to create new thread, because it isn't related to topic here.

sorry to bother you, but im convinced that then you will find solution!



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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having the same issue as scenteddelights I have tried changing the 24/7 to 9:00am - 9:00pm and had the Force Compile on and cache to off and nothing has changed, it still shows 24/7, there has got to be a problem somewhere, I am using the default template that comes with Prestashop v, I noticed that there are 2 sections of modules that have the same block, one in the themes folder and the other in the main folder that contain blockcontact.tpl and help would be appreciated as PrestaShop is new to me, but I am not new to Website design and Setup but this program seems to be a little confusing to navigate for me at this point, only been trying to configure it for a week.


Please disregard, I got is solved!

Edited by DustyZ (see edit history)
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you should edit file located in your theme directory, you probably do it? am I right?

please share you solution for others :)


Yes, I solved this issue, for some reason it didn't want to take the way I was putting in the information in the blockcontact.tpl, I had put in Hotline open from 9:00am - 9:00pm and that just would not take, I changed it to 9:00am To 9:00pm and it took that, just strange, seems it didn't like the - in there but that is strange in itself. But regardless that issue is resolved. Thanks for your response!

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