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Access Violation - 100 times :/

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I'm new here. I have a problem from over a week. I tried to install presta on my server, and sometimes it worked, but when I try to open Product Categories it give me an error "PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 01E7AE39", and them site don't work at all.


Now I try to reinstall again prestashop and I have these problem (link below).

I try with different mysql database...




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I have no clue how to fix that :(


Please help.




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It is shared hosting. Mysql is working with PHP. And as I say before, I install one time prestashop and worked but when I click on Product Categories it crashed. Now I can't install that.


Previously I install 1.4.10 and work fine - no problems at all.

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I recommend to call your hosting provider and ask for help... here are some more threads and afaik mostly related to windows IIS hosting eg. here http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/250755-php-has-encountered-an-access-violation-at-xxxxxxxx/

I can't help you with your specific problem and as said, I think the hosting company is the right address to start.

All the best, trip

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