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Contact Us Error

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Is anyone else seeing this problem on their prestashop site. I have the new version, which I upgraded a beta version to..and am getting a error when I attempt to thest the CONTACT option on the main page of the prestashop store.

If I am NOT logged into the site as a customer and attemtp to use the contact option I get this error:

There is 1 error :
an error occurred while sending message

The file in questions is CONTACT-FORM.PHP prior to the upgrade I had to copy new code from a post I found to fix it and it did...this time that same code does not fix it..... AM I ALONE or do others have this issue???

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  • 3 weeks later...

Prestashop still insist its not a problem however probably for some reason with me upgrading from a prior beta version, something isn't working. Again, if a customer is logged in the contact from worked and even filled in the logged in users information, But if your just visiting the site and try to use the from..I was getting the same error.

The fix for me was to take a older version of the CONTACT-FORM.PHP file and replace the current one with it and for me that fixed it. Maybe it will work for you too. Please rename your current CONTACT-FORM.PHP to something like oldcontact.php before replacing it, just in case you need it back!!

I have attached the file that worked for me in this post. I made no promise, however if it fixes it for you too, please post back here. Maybe it will help others with this (NOT AN ISSUE PROBLEM) :-)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Apprentice, I understand your concern but the problem is I have designed my pages onto the Old Presta Shop and I checked that the Old files are not working on the Newer release.

I had also made the check enabled under the preferences for allowing the old files to run on the newer release.

This made me to take the step of installing the older version.

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Hello Gurus,

After our conversation I have install Presta 1.2.4, and also uploaded the contactform.php onto my site but still this is not working I am getting the error “01 - an error occurred while sending message”. Any idea how can I rectify this.

Looking forward help from you all gurus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't know if th is will be the case for anyone else, but for me this problem was caused because my server didn't have the email software installed. I used postfix, on an Ubuntu server, for which this is a good short description of the install:


One more point: I was doing the install using putty from my Windows machine to the ubuntu server. This worked fine until it reached a point where it threw up a very primitive but nonetheless mandatory point-and-click install screen, which I didn't know how to interact with using putty.

So, I went to a Linux laptop and ssh'ed to my server, ran the install again, and then was able to point and click to complete the install. Now, the error from the contact page goes away (and I even receive the email, which is a nice bonus :) ).

I was very optimistic that this would also solve my problem of not receiving the "I forgot my password" email. However, it looks like this problem still exists (with no error message, just no email sent). Well, one problem solved is better than none.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just want to add that for me this error was appearing because in the backoffice, I had several contacts set up with emails, but there was not an employee entry to match that email, causing the error. When I added an employee with the email, it worked fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I have prestashop_1.2.5.0 installed on hostmonster.

I was running into the same email error described at the top of this thread by halalan (when I tried to post emails on prestashop ... using a firefox browser ... i didn't try with IE)

I installed halalan's older version of contact-form.php ... and it solved the problem so far.

I am not well versed enough with php or smtp to diagnose the root cause of the issue.

This is just a data point that the older version of contact-form.php works better on hostmonster. I hope this is helpful.

Thanks to everyone who posted before me, especially to halalan for his fix.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I agree, but it seems its not always an issue. I disagree especially if yours happened on a new isntall, but it would seem others would have complained by now. Unless they havent even tried to test the Contact link !?!

And that would be me!! I'm having issues on a brand new install... although I'm sure I have something configured wrong.

I'm trying to use GOOGLE>gmail as a smtp relay... smtp.gmail.com port 465, etc etc...

I tried the PHP version too... is there something on the UNIX host that also needs to be set up?
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  • 1 month later...

I have this problem when sending messages from the contactform, i have the newest version of Prestashop and i installed an old contact-form.php and that did not work, i have tryed to use smtp and that did not work. So what should i do to get this to work... ? It would be great for customers to send a message over the contactform..

Help needed

// Perkla

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tomerg3----> No.. that did not help me at all, i can still not send a message from the contactform, i really dont know how to fix this.. maybe i am doing something wrong, i dont know...

Any more tips and trix to tell me that can help me with this.. ??

// Perkla

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  • 4 months later...

I have the same problem sending email through the contact us form. If a customer is logged in, sending email is fine otherwise an error occurred. Anyone knows how to fix this. I am using version 1.3.1 and BlueHost.com is my host.

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