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[SOLVED] 503 error in Advanced Parameters/configuration tab?

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Hello folks,

I have many day's the follow prob for some actions to complete in BO

This occours on the follow actions:


When I click in BO on the configuration/info tab. (Blank, white page return, I have to login again)

When I want to regenerate pictures of the products, I select one by one (large default and so on)

regenerate these from the manufactures, category, going well.


When I want to upload cvs product files with 100 products. Blank, white page back, most products are added to the shop.

upload cvs product files with 4 products, going well.


I have check and recplace the index.php file in the Admin section, even the AdminInformationController.php with the original, clean the smarty cache and the compile folders, the browser cache.


Contacting my host company (one.com), normaly an server problem, (google search and these forum), but I see that the other things where also including these files going well,


Including the text file created with google chrome, webtools.


I run v1.5.4.1, default theme and almost clean, standard installation.


Thanks for the attention,

Best Regards,


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Hello vekia,

You mean the error log file from the server, webtools google or in the files in PrestaShop?

I have download the server error log file, nothing there even nothing in de log files from the prestashop dir.


Thnx for the info,


Best regards,


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I have to deinstall all the modules that are possible to disable in PS v

Empty the cache folders, removing teh ht access file from root..replace the controllers with the original...

Contacting my host company for an solution, they told me, thats are an PS prob..in one of the software, but where..


But this error 503 keep appears..I don't know what else I could do to fix it.


Can I test some things to come closer to a solution?


Best Regards,



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Hello PS folks,

I hope that someone can help with this issue!

I receive the follow message from the technical staff from one.com hosting:




Our technicians has checked your Prestashop site and can see that there is a time out error


when accessing some menu on your prestashop admin panel. Particularly for Advanced Parameters


> Configuration Information, this page is fetching too many images (taking 1 cpu full 100%)


and simply timing out. From what we see it should be the "List of changed files" section that


is causing the page to timeout. It could be also the cause why the Preference > Images option


is timing out as well. The pages are fetching 68483 images which is causing issues on the


server to complete the process.


Unfortunately, we don't have a workaround for this as we don't offer to change any setting on


our servers. You'll have to optimize your site and make sure it doesn't exhaust the resources


of our servers for your site to work properly.


Should you have anymore inquiries please do not hesitate to contact us through our 24/7


online chat or email us.

Best Regards





I have about 2500 products in my shop.

But I think that there maybe some things not right configurated are..

Or what can I delete from my PS files, to solve this issue?


Best Regards,


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Hi Generaal, it seems that this is a timeout issue. What kind of hosting plan do you have with one.com? Regarding the BackOffice Images tab, there really isn't much you can optimize to make sure that page loads. Either your server can load the images or it can't due to memory or timeout settings. For that many products you may want to look into some kind of VPN server.

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Hello benjamin,

I can't understoot, I have some 2600 products, with serveral pictures, where the most are grabled from the severlocation from my supplier..

Thnink you, thats the prob?

I have the follow options by one.com


If you will look inside, I will PM you the login and pswrd.

I have sending the server settings and config to you, via PM.


Best Regards,


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Hello again,

below a vew of my server setting in a dop:


Server configuration



serverconfiguration-logo-48x48.pngServer configuration

Thanks for installing this module on your website.

This module checks your server configuration.

Developped with love by Samdha, which helps you develop your e-commerce site.

According original idea Mediacom87.


  • Prestashop version:

  • PHP version: 5.3.26

  • MySQL version: 5.1.66-0+squeeze1

  • Free space: 3.27 TB

  • Total space: 5GB

  • max_execution_time = 50

  • memory_limit = 128M

  • Xcache is installed.

  • APC is not installed.

  • Memcached is not installed.

  • mcrypt is installed.

  • Curl is installed.

  • safe_mode is not activated.

  • register_globals is not activated.

  • allow_url_fopen is activated.

  • gd is activated.

  • file_uploads is activated.

  • /config is writeable.

  • /cache/smarty/compile is writeable.

  • /sitemap.xml is writeable.

  • /img is writeable.

  • /mails is writeable.

  • /modules is writeable.

  • /themes/thgr00027r/lang is writeable.

  • /translations is writeable.

  • /upload is writeable.

  • /download is writeable.

google-icon-16x16.png Ads


Best Regards,


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Hello PS folks,

I have follow the advice from benjamin and moved to an VPS host server.

I have found a great deal and even a superior support for a resonable budget, that I have to spend for these VPS.


Therefore I wil thanks the people they have co investigate for this problem to solved it.

And last but not least the new host company, they have move and install all the things in no time, even the domain transfer and so on!


Many thanks to the people from Hostdeal, special Andy and Marco! (www.hostdeal.eu), they are fantastic and done a great job!


Best Regards,


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