tabutnas Posted June 8, 2013 Share Posted June 8, 2013 hello, i downloaded last version and search on entire computer and ftp files where i have prestashop but don't found this PDF.php file , maybe is form module but i needed for change quantity value >,< sad but true CODE <?php /** * PDF class, PDF.php * PDF invoices and document management * @category classes * * @author PrestaShop <[email protected]> * @copyright PrestaShop * @license Open-source licence 3.0 * @version 1.1 * */ include_once(_PS_FPDF_PATH_.'fpdf.php'); class PDF extends FPDF { private static $order = NULL; private static $orderReturn = NULL; private static $orderSlip = NULL; private static $delivery = NULL; /** @var object Order currency object */ private static $currency = NULL; private static $_iso; /** @var array Special PDF params such encoding and font */ private static $_pdfparams = array(); private static $_fpdf_core_fonts = array('courier', 'helvetica', 'helveticab', 'helveticabi', 'helveticai', 'symbol', 'times', 'timesb', 'timesbi', 'timesi', 'zapfdingbats'); /** * Constructor */ function PDF($orientation='P', $unit='mm', $format='A4') { global $cookie; if (!isset($cookie) OR !is_object($cookie)) $cookie->id_lang = intval(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')); $lang = strtoupper(Language::getIsoById($cookie->id_lang)); $conf = Configuration::getMultiple(array('PS_PDF_ENCODING_'.$lang, 'PS_PDF_FONT_'.$lang)); self::$_pdfparams[$lang] = array( 'encoding' => (isset($conf['PS_PDF_ENCODING_'.$lang]) AND $conf['PS_PDF_ENCODING_'.$lang] == true) ? $conf['PS_PDF_ENCODING_'.$lang] : 'iso-8859-1', 'font' => (isset($conf['PS_PDF_FONT_'.$lang]) AND $conf['PS_PDF_FONT_'.$lang] == true) ? $conf['PS_PDF_FONT_'.$lang] : 'helvetica' ); FPDF::FPDF($orientation, $unit, $format); if ($font = self::embedfont()) { $this->AddFont($font); $this->AddFont($font, 'B'); } } /** * Invoice header */ function Header() { global $cookie; $conf = Configuration::getMultiple(array('PS_SHOP_NAME', 'PS_SHOP_ADDR1', 'PS_SHOP_CODE', 'PS_SHOP_CITY', 'PS_SHOP_COUNTRY', 'PS_SHOP_STATE')); $conf['PS_SHOP_NAME'] = isset($conf['PS_SHOP_NAME']) ? Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $conf['PS_SHOP_NAME']) : 'Your company'; $conf['PS_SHOP_ADDR1'] = isset($conf['PS_SHOP_ADDR1']) ? Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $conf['PS_SHOP_ADDR1']) : 'Your company'; $conf['PS_SHOP_CODE'] = isset($conf['PS_SHOP_CODE']) ? Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $conf['PS_SHOP_CODE']) : 'Postcode'; $conf['PS_SHOP_CITY'] = isset($conf['PS_SHOP_CITY']) ? Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $conf['PS_SHOP_CITY']) : 'City'; $conf['PS_SHOP_COUNTRY'] = isset($conf['PS_SHOP_COUNTRY']) ? Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $conf['PS_SHOP_COUNTRY']) : 'Country'; $conf['PS_SHOP_STATE'] = isset($conf['PS_SHOP_STATE']) ? Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $conf['PS_SHOP_STATE']) : ''; if (file_exists(_PS_IMG_DIR_.'/logo.jpg')) $this->Image(_PS_IMG_DIR_.'/logo.jpg', 10, 8, 0, 15); $this->SetFont(self::fontname(), 'B', 15); $this->Cell(115); if (self::$orderReturn) $this->Cell(80, 10, self::l('RETURN #').sprintf('%06d', self::$orderReturn->id), 0, 0, 'C'); elseif (self::$orderSlip) $this->Cell(80, 10, self::l('SLIP #').sprintf('%06d', self::$orderSlip->id), 0, 0, 'C'); elseif (self::$delivery) $this->Cell(80, 10, self::l('DELIVERY SLIP #').Configuration::get('PS_DELIVERY_PREFIX', intval($cookie->id_lang)).sprintf('%06d', self::$delivery), 0, 0, 'C'); else $this->Cell(80, 10, self::l('INVOICE #').Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_PREFIX', intval($cookie->id_lang)).sprintf('%06d', self::$order->invoice_number), 0, 0, 'C'); } /** * Invoice footer */ function Footer() { $this->SetY(-26); /* * Display a message for customer */ if (!self::$delivery) { $this->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 8); if (self::$orderSlip) $textFooter = self::l('An electronic version of this credit slip is available in your account. To access it, log in to the'); else $textFooter = self::l('An electronic version of this invoice is available in your account. To access it, log in to the'); $this->Cell(0, 10, $textFooter, 0, 0, 'C', 0, (Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') ? 'https://' : 'http://').$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].__PS_BASE_URI__.'history.php'); $this->Ln(4); $this->Cell(0, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME')).' '.self::l('website using your e-mail address and password (which you created while placing your first order).'), 0, 0, 'C', 0, (Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') ? 'https://' : 'http://').$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].__PS_BASE_URI__.'history.php'); } else $this->Ln(4); $this->Ln(9); $arrayConf = array('PS_SHOP_NAME', 'PS_SHOP_ADDR1', 'PS_SHOP_CODE', 'PS_SHOP_CITY', 'PS_SHOP_COUNTRY', 'PS_SHOP_DETAILS', 'PS_SHOP_PHONE', 'PS_SHOP_STATE'); $conf = Configuration::getMultiple($arrayConf); foreach($conf as $key => $value) $conf[$key] = Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $value); foreach ($arrayConf as $key) if (!isset($conf[$key])) $conf[$key] = ''; $this->SetFillColor(240, 240, 240); $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $this->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 8); $this->Cell(0, 5, Tools::strtoupper($conf['PS_SHOP_NAME']). (!empty($conf['PS_SHOP_ADDR1']) ? ' - '.self::l('Headquarters:').' '.$conf['PS_SHOP_ADDR1'].(!empty($conf['PS_SHOP_ADDR2']) ? ' '.$conf['PS_SHOP_ADDR2'] : '').' '.$conf['PS_SHOP_CODE'].' '.$conf['PS_SHOP_CITY'].((isset($conf['PS_SHOP_STATE']) AND !empty($conf['PS_SHOP_STATE'])) ? (', '.$conf['PS_SHOP_STATE']) : '').' '.$conf['PS_SHOP_COUNTRY'] : ''), 0, 1, 'C', 1); $this->Cell(0, 5, (!empty($conf['PS_SHOP_DETAILS']) ? self::l('Details:').' '.$conf['PS_SHOP_DETAILS'].' - ' : ''). (!empty($conf['PS_SHOP_PHONE']) ? self::l('PHONE:').' '.$conf['PS_SHOP_PHONE'] : ''), 0, 1, 'C', 1); } public static function multipleInvoices($invoices) { $pdf = new PDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); foreach ($invoices AS $id_order) { $orderObj = new Order(intval($id_order)); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($orderObj)) PDF::invoice($orderObj, 'D', true, $pdf); } return $pdf->Output('invoices.pdf', 'D'); } public static function multipleDelivery($slips) { $pdf = new PDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); foreach ($slips AS $id_order) { $orderObj = new Order(intval($id_order)); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($orderObj)) PDF::invoice($orderObj, 'D', true, $pdf, false, $orderObj->delivery_number); } return $pdf->Output('invoices.pdf', 'D'); } public static function orderReturn($orderReturn, $mode = 'D', $multiple = false, &$pdf = NULL) { $pdf = new PDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); self::$orderReturn = $orderReturn; $order = new Order($orderReturn->id_order); self::$order = $order; $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage(); /* Display address information */ $delivery_address = new Address(intval($order->id_address_delivery)); $deliveryState = $delivery_address->id_state ? new State($delivery_address->id_state) : false; $shop_country = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_COUNTRY'); $arrayConf = array('PS_SHOP_NAME', 'PS_SHOP_ADDR1', 'PS_SHOP_CODE', 'PS_SHOP_CITY', 'PS_SHOP_COUNTRY', 'PS_SHOP_DETAILS', 'PS_SHOP_PHONE', 'PS_SHOP_STATE'); $conf = Configuration::getMultiple($arrayConf); foreach ($conf as $key => $value) $conf[$key] = Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $value); foreach ($arrayConf as $key) if (!isset($conf[$key])) $conf[$key] = ''; $width = 100; $pdf->SetX(10); $pdf->SetY(25); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 9); if (!empty($delivery_address->company)) { $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->company), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); } $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->firstname).' '.Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->lastname), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->address1), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); if (!empty($delivery_address->address2)) { $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->address2), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); } $pdf->Cell($width, 10, $delivery_address->postcode.' '.Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->city), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->country.($deliveryState ? ' - '.$deliveryState->name : '')), 0, 'L'); /* * display order information */ $pdf->Ln(12); $pdf->SetFillColor(240, 240, 240); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 9); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('RETURN #').sprintf('%06d', self::$orderReturn->id).' '.self::l('from') . ' ' .Tools::displayDate(self::$orderReturn->date_upd, self::$order->id_lang), 1, 2, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('We have logged your return request.'), 'TRL', 2, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('We remind you that your package must be returned to us within').' '.Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_RETURN_NB_DAYS').' '.self::l('days of initially receiving your order.'), 'BRL', 2, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('List of items marked as returned :'), 0, 2, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->ProdReturnTab(); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), 'B', 10); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('Return reference:').' '.self::l('RET').sprintf('%06d', self::$order->id), 0, 2, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('Thank you for including this number on your return package.'), 0, 2, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), 'B', 9); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('REMINDER:'), 0, 2, 'L'); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 9); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('- All products must be returned in their original packaging without damage or wear.'), 0, 2, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('- Please print out this document and slip it into your package.'), 0, 2, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('- The package should be sent to the following address:'), 0, 2, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), 'B', 10); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, Tools::strtoupper($conf['PS_SHOP_NAME']), 0, 1, 'C', 1); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, (!empty($conf['PS_SHOP_ADDR1']) ? self::l('Headquarters:').' '.$conf['PS_SHOP_ADDR1'].(!empty($conf['PS_SHOP_ADDR2']) ? ' '.$conf['PS_SHOP_ADDR2'] : '').' '.$conf['PS_SHOP_CODE'].' '.$conf['PS_SHOP_CITY'].' '.$conf['PS_SHOP_COUNTRY'].((isset($conf['PS_SHOP_STATE']) AND !empty($conf['PS_SHOP_STATE'])) ? (', '.$conf['PS_SHOP_STATE']) : '') : ''), 0, 1, 'C', 1); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 9); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('Upon receiving your package, we will inform you by e-mail and will then begin processing the reimbursement of your order total.'), 0, 2, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('Let us know if you have any questions.'), 0, 2, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), 'B', 10); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('If the conditions of return listed above are not respected,'), 'TRL', 2, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('we reserve the right to refuse your package and/or reimbursement.'), 'BRL', 2, 'C'); return $pdf->Output(sprintf('%06d', self::$order->id).'.pdf', $mode); } /** * Product table with references, quantities... */ function ProdReturnTab() { global $ecotax; $header = array( array(self::l('Description'), 'L'), array(self::l('Reference'), 'L'), array(self::l('Qty'), 'C') ); $w = array(110, 25, 20); $this->SetFont(self::fontname(), 'B', 8); $this->SetFillColor(240, 240, 240); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($header); $i++) $this->Cell($w[$i], 5, $header[$i][0], 'T', 0, $header[$i][1], 1); $this->Ln(); $this->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 7); $products = OrderReturn::getOrdersReturnProducts(self::$orderReturn->id, self::$order); foreach ($products AS $product) { $before = $this->GetY(); $this->MultiCell($w[0], 5, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $product['product_name']), 'B'); $lineSize = $this->GetY() - $before; $this->SetXY($this->GetX() + $w[0], $this->GetY() - $lineSize); $this->Cell($w[1], $lineSize, ($product['product_reference'] != '' ? $product['product_reference'] : '---'), 'B'); $this->Cell($w[2], $lineSize, $product['product_quantity'], 'B', 0, 'C'); $this->Ln(); } } /** * Main * * @param object $order Order * @param string $mode Download or display (optional) */ public static function invoice($order, $mode = 'D', $multiple = false, &$pdf = NULL, $slip = false, $delivery = false) { global $cookie, $ecotax; if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($order) OR (!$cookie->id_employee AND (!OrderState::invoiceAvailable($order->getCurrentState()) AND !$order->invoice_number))) die('Invalid order or invalid order state'); self::$order = $order; self::$orderSlip = $slip; self::$delivery = $delivery; self::$_iso = strtoupper(Language::getIsoById(intval(self::$order->id_lang))); self::$currency = new Currency(intval(self::$order->id_currency)); self::$currency->sign = Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), self::$currency->sign); if (!$multiple) $pdf = new PDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage(); /* Display address information */ $invoice_address = new Address(intval($order->id_address_invoice)); $invoiceState = $invoice_address->id_state ? new State($invoice_address->id_state) : false; $delivery_address = new Address(intval($order->id_address_delivery)); $deliveryState = $delivery_address->id_state ? new State($delivery_address->id_state) : false; $shop_country = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_COUNTRY'); $width = 100; $pdf->SetX(10); $pdf->SetY(25); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 12); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, self::l('Delivery'), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, self::l('Invoicing'), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 9); if (!empty($delivery_address->company) OR !empty($invoice_address->company)) { $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->company), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_address->company), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); } $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->firstname).' '.Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->lastname), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_address->firstname).' '.Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_address->lastname), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->address1), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_address->address1), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); if (!empty($invoice_address->address2) OR !empty($delivery_address->address2)) { $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->address2), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_address->address2), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); } $pdf->Cell($width, 10, $delivery_address->postcode.' '.Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->city), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, $invoice_address->postcode.' '.Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_address->city), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->country.($deliveryState ? ' - '.$deliveryState->name : '')), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_address->country.($invoiceState ? ' - '.$invoiceState->name : '')), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, $delivery_address->phone, 0, 'L'); if (!empty($delivery_address->phone_mobile)) { $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, $delivery_address->phone_mobile, 0, 'L'); } /* * display order information */ $carrier = new Carrier(self::$order->id_carrier); if ($carrier->name == '0') $carrier->name = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME'); $history = self::$order->getHistory(self::$order->id_lang); foreach($history as $h) if ($h['id_order_state'] == _PS_OS_SHIPPING_) $shipping_date = $h['date_add']; $pdf->Ln(12); $pdf->SetFillColor(240, 240, 240); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 9); if (self::$orderSlip) $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('SLIP #').sprintf('%06d', self::$orderSlip->id).' '.self::l('from') . ' ' .Tools::displayDate(self::$orderSlip->date_upd, self::$order->id_lang), 1, 2, 'L', 1); elseif (self::$delivery) $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('DELIVERY SLIP #').Configuration::get('PS_DELIVERY_PREFIX', intval($cookie->id_lang)).sprintf('%06d', self::$delivery).' '.self::l('from') . ' ' .Tools::displayDate(self::$order->delivery_date, self::$order->id_lang), 1, 2, 'L', 1); else $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('INVOICE #').Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_PREFIX', intval($cookie->id_lang)).sprintf('%06d', self::$order->invoice_number).' '.self::l('from') . ' ' .Tools::displayDate(self::$order->invoice_date, self::$order->id_lang), 1, 2, 'L', 1); $pdf->Cell(75, 6, self::l('Order #').sprintf('%06d', self::$order->id), 'L', 0); $pdf->Cell(50, 6, self::l('Carrier:'), 'L'); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('Payment method:'), 'LR'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->Cell(75, 6, (isset($shipping_date) ? self::l('Shipping date:').' '.Tools::displayDate($shipping_date, self::$order->id_lang) : ' '), 'LB', 0); $pdf->Cell(50, 6, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $carrier->name), 'LRB'); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $order->payment), 'LRB'); $pdf->Ln(15); $pdf->ProdTab((self::$delivery ? true : '')); /* Exit if delivery */ if (!self::$delivery) { $pdf->DiscTab(); /* * Display price summation */ $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), 'B', 8); $width = 165; $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Total products TI').' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $totalProductsTi = self::$order->getTotalProductsWithTaxes((self::$orderSlip ? self::$order->products : false)); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($totalProductsTi, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4); if (self::$order->total_discounts != '0.00') { $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Total discounts').' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, (!self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '').self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice(self::$order->total_discounts, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4); } if(isset(self::$order->total_wrapping) and (floatval(self::$order->total_wrapping) > 0)) { $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Total wrapping').' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice(self::$order->total_wrapping, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4); } if (self::$order->total_shipping != '0.00' AND (!self::$orderSlip OR (self::$orderSlip AND self::$orderSlip->shipping_cost))) { $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Total shipping').' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice(self::$order->total_shipping, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4); } if (!self::$orderSlip OR (self::$orderSlip AND self::$orderSlip->shipping_cost)) { $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Total with Tax').' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice((self::$orderSlip ? ($totalProductsTi + self::$order->total_discounts + self::$order->total_shipping) : self::$order->total_paid), self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4); } if ($ecotax != '0.00' AND !self::$orderSlip) { $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Eco-participation').' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($ecotax, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(5); } //Reembolso if (self::$order->total_shipping != '0.00' AND (!self::$orderSlip OR (self::$orderSlip AND self::$orderSlip->shipping_cost))) { $pdf->Cell($width, 10, self::l('Reembolso 3%').' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice(self::$order->total_shipping-8, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(6); } $pdf->TaxTab(); } Hook::PDFInvoice($pdf, self::$order->id); if (!$multiple) return $pdf->Output(sprintf('%06d', self::$order->id).'.pdf', $mode); } /** * Product table with price, quantities... */ public function ProdTab($delivery = false) { global $ecotax; if (!$delivery) { $header = array( array(self::l('Description'), 'L'), array(self::l('Reference'), 'L'), array(self::l('U. price'), 'R'), array(self::l('Qty'), 'C'), array(self::l('Pre-Tax Total'), 'R'), array(self::l('Total'), 'R') ); $w = array(90, 15, 25, 10, 25, 25); } else { $header = array( array(self::l('Description'), 'L'), array(self::l('Reference'), 'L'), array(self::l('Qty'), 'C'), ); $w = array(120, 30, 10); } $this->SetFont(self::fontname(), 'B', 8); $this->SetFillColor(240, 240, 240); if ($delivery) $this->SetX(25); for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($header); $i++) $this->Cell($w[$i], 5, $header[$i][0], 'T', 0, $header[$i][1], 1); $this->Ln(); $this->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 8); if (isset(self::$order->products) AND sizeof(self::$order->products)) $products = self::$order->products; else $products = self::$order->getProducts(); $ecotax = 0; $customizedDatas = Product::getAllCustomizedDatas(intval(self::$order->id_cart)); Product::addCustomizationPrice($products, $customizedDatas); foreach($products AS $product) { $i = -1; $ecotax += $product['ecotax'] * floatval($product['product_quantity']); $unit_without_tax = $product['product_price']; $total_without_tax = $product['total_price']; $total_with_tax = $product['total_wt']; $productQuantity = floatval($product['product_quantity']); if ($delivery); $productQuantity -= $product['product_quantity_cancelled']; if ($productQuantity <= 0) continue ; if (isset($customizedDatas[$product['product_id']][$product['product_attribute_id']])) { if ($delivery) $this->SetX(25); $before = $this->GetY(); $this->MultiCell($w[++$i], 5, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $product['product_name']).' - '.self::l('Customized'), 'B'); $lineSize = $this->GetY() - $before; $this->SetXY($this->GetX() + $w[0] + ($delivery ? 15 : 0), $this->GetY() - $lineSize); $this->Cell($w[++$i], $lineSize, $product['product_reference'], 'B'); if (!$delivery) $this->Cell($w[++$i], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($unit_without_tax, self::$currency, true, false)), 'B', 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[++$i], $lineSize, floatval($product['customizationQuantityTotal']), 'B', 0, 'C'); if (!$delivery) { $this->Cell($w[++$i], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($unit_without_tax * floatval($product['customizationQuantityTotal']), self::$currency, true, false)), 'B', 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[++$i], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($product['product_price_wt'] * floatval($product['customizationQuantityTotal']), self::$currency, true, false)), 'B', 0, 'R'); } $this->Ln(); $i = -1; $productQuantity = floatval($product['product_quantity']) - floatval($product['customizationQuantityTotal']); $total_without_tax = $unit_without_tax * $productQuantity; $total_with_tax = floatval($product['product_price_wt']) * $productQuantity; } if ($delivery) $this->SetX(25); $before = $this->GetY(); $this->MultiCell($w[++$i], 5, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $product['product_name']), 'B'); $lineSize = $this->GetY() - $before; $this->SetXY($this->GetX() + $w[0] + ($delivery ? 15 : 0), $this->GetY() - $lineSize); $this->Cell($w[++$i], $lineSize, $product['product_reference'], 'B'); if (!$delivery) $this->Cell($w[++$i], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($unit_without_tax, self::$currency, true, false)), 'B', 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[++$i], $lineSize, $productQuantity, 'B', 0, 'C'); if (!$delivery) { $this->Cell($w[++$i], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($total_without_tax, self::$currency, true, false)), 'B', 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[++$i], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($total_with_tax, self::$currency, true, false)), 'B', 0, 'R'); } $this->Ln(); } if (!sizeof(self::$order->getDiscounts()) AND !$delivery) $this->Cell(array_sum($w), 0, ''); } /** * Discount table with value, quantities... */ public function DiscTab() { $w = array(90, 25, 15, 10, 25, 25); $this->SetFont(self::fontname(), 'B', 7); $discounts = self::$order->getDiscounts(); foreach($discounts AS $discount) { $this->Cell($w[0], 6, self::l('Discount:').' '.$discount['name'], 'B'); $this->Cell($w[1], 6, '', 'B'); $this->Cell($w[2], 6, '', 'B'); $this->Cell($w[3], 6, '1', 'B', 0, 'C'); $this->Cell($w[4], 6, '', 'B', 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[5], 6, (!self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '').self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($discount['value'], self::$currency, true, false)), 'B', 0, 'R'); $this->Ln(); } if (sizeof($discounts)) $this->Cell(array_sum($w), 0, ''); } /** * Tax table */ public function TaxTab() { if (self::$order->total_paid == '0.00' OR !intval(Configuration::get('PS_TAX'))) return ; // Setting products tax if (isset(self::$order->products) AND sizeof(self::$order->products)) $products = self::$order->products; else $products = self::$order->getProducts(); $totalWithTax = array(); $totalWithoutTax = array(); $amountWithoutTax = 0; $taxes = array(); /* Firstly calculate all prices */ foreach ($products AS &$product) { if (!isset($totalWithTax[$product['tax_rate']])) $totalWithTax[$product['tax_rate']] = 0; if (!isset($totalWithoutTax[$product['tax_rate']])) $totalWithoutTax[$product['tax_rate']] = 0; if (!isset($taxes[$product['tax_rate']])) $taxes[$product['tax_rate']] = 0; /* Without tax */ $product['priceWithoutTax'] = floatval($product['product_price']) * floatval($product['product_quantity']); $amountWithoutTax += $product['priceWithoutTax']; /* With tax */ $product['priceWithTax'] = $product['priceWithoutTax'] * (1 + (floatval($product['tax_rate']) / 100)); } $tmp = 0; $product = &$tmp; /* And secondly assign to each tax its own reduction part */ $discountAmount = floatval(self::$order->total_discounts); foreach ($products as $product) { $ratio = $amountWithoutTax == 0 ? 0 : $product['priceWithoutTax'] / $amountWithoutTax; $priceWithTaxAndReduction = $product['total_wt'] - ($discountAmount * $ratio); $vat = $priceWithTaxAndReduction - ($priceWithTaxAndReduction / ((floatval($product['tax_rate']) / 100) + 1)); $taxes[$product['tax_rate']] += $vat; $totalWithTax[$product['tax_rate']] += $priceWithTaxAndReduction; $totalWithoutTax[$product['tax_rate']] += $priceWithTaxAndReduction - $vat; } $carrier = new Carrier(self::$order->id_carrier); $carrierTax = new Tax($carrier->id_tax); if (($totalWithoutTax == $totalWithTax) AND (!$carrierTax->rate OR $carrierTax->rate == '0.00') AND (!self::$order->total_wrapping OR self::$order->total_wrapping == '0.00')) return ; // Displaying header tax $header = array(self::l('Tax detail'), self::l('Tax %'), self::l('Pre-Tax Total'), self::l('Total Tax'), self::l('Total with Tax')); $w = array(60, 30, 40, 30, 30); $this->SetFont(self::fontname(), 'B', 8); for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($header); $i++) $this->Cell($w[$i], 5, $header[$i], 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Ln(); $this->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 7); // Display product tax if (intval(Configuration::get('PS_TAX')) AND self::$order->total_paid != '0.00') { foreach ($taxes AS $tax_rate => $vat) { if ($tax_rate == '0.00' OR $totalWithTax[$tax_rate] == '0.00') continue ; $before = $this->GetY(); $lineSize = $this->GetY() - $before; $this->SetXY($this->GetX(), $this->GetY() - $lineSize + 3); $this->Cell($w[0], $lineSize, self::l('Products'), 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[1], $lineSize, number_format($tax_rate, 2, ',', ' '), 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[2], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($totalWithoutTax[$tax_rate], self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[3], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($vat, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[4], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($totalWithTax[$tax_rate], self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Ln(); } } // Display carrier tax if ($carrierTax->rate && $carrierTax->rate != '0.00') { $total_shipping_wt = self::$order->total_shipping / (1 + ($carrierTax->rate / 100)); $before = $this->GetY(); $lineSize = $this->GetY() - $before; $this->SetXY($this->GetX(), $this->GetY() - $lineSize + 3); $this->Cell($w[0], $lineSize, self::l('Carrier'), 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[1], $lineSize, number_format($carrierTax->rate, 2, ',', ' '), 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[2], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($total_shipping_wt, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[3], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice(self::$order->total_shipping - $total_shipping_wt, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[4], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice(self::$order->total_shipping, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Ln(); } // Display wrapping tax if (self::$order->total_wrapping && self::$order->total_wrapping != '0.00') { $total_wrapping_wt = self::$order->total_wrapping / (1 + ($tax_rate / 100)); $before = $this->GetY(); $lineSize = $this->GetY() - $before; $this->SetXY($this->GetX(), $this->GetY() - $lineSize + 3); $this->Cell($w[0], $lineSize, self::l('Wrapping'), 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[1], $lineSize, number_format($tax_rate, 2, ',', ' '), 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[2], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($total_wrapping_wt, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[3], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice(self::$order->total_wrapping - $total_wrapping_wt, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell($w[4], $lineSize, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice(self::$order->total_wrapping, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); } } static private function convertSign($s) { return str_replace('¥', chr(165), str_replace('£', chr(163), str_replace('€', chr(128), $s))); } static protected function l($string) { global $cookie; if (@!include(_PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_.Language::getIsoById($cookie->id_lang).'/pdf.php')) die('Cannot include PDF translation language file : '._PS_TRANSLATIONS_DIR_.Language::getIsoById($cookie->id_lang).'/pdf.php'); if (!is_array($_LANGPDF)) return str_replace('"', '"', $string); $key = md5(str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $string)); $str = (key_exists('PDF_invoice'.$key, $_LANGPDF) ? $_LANGPDF['PDF_invoice'.$key] : $string); return (Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $str)); } static private function encoding() { return (isset(self::$_pdfparams[self::$_iso]) AND is_array(self::$_pdfparams[self::$_iso]) AND self::$_pdfparams[self::$_iso]['encoding']) ? self::$_pdfparams[self::$_iso]['encoding'] : 'iso-8859-1'; } static private function embedfont() { return (((isset(self::$_pdfparams[self::$_iso]) AND is_array(self::$_pdfparams[self::$_iso]) AND self::$_pdfparams[self::$_iso]['font']) AND !in_array(self::$_pdfparams[self::$_iso]['font'], self::$_fpdf_core_fonts)) ? self::$_pdfparams[self::$_iso]['font'] : false); } static private function fontname() { $font = self::embedfont(); return $font ? $font : 'Arial'; } } ?> 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tuk66 Posted June 13, 2013 Share Posted June 13, 2013 /classes/pdf/PDF.php Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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