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[solved] IP blocked after back office use / PS tries ftp logins

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I have just moved PS to a new server. It works OK, but my IP becomes blocked after intensive back office use.

My new hosting company have said it is because there are too many failed ftp login attempts from my IP. I do not know about any... It was no problem for previous hosting company however (or no failed ftp logins for them).

It seems PS back office performs a (failed) ftp login attempt every time I click. So I can navigate slowly (1click/20sec or so), but opening a few PS b.o. tabs and intensive clicking blocks my IP immediately.

Why PS tries ftp logins, and why they fail? How to disable them?

Any useful suggestion will be appreciated.

Edited by 000 (see edit history)
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They are blocking failed ftp attempts, it seems the source is back office.

I have replicated this error many times.

I can use same IP with front office as long as I wish to, but with b.o. only for some cliks/minute.

For me it is strange, too, so I ask this question here.

Edited by usserx (see edit history)
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if those FTP calls are from backoffice - they can easily localize the php script.

I ask hoster and let you know.

Maybe you use some software which connects to your ftp? For example - ftp synchronization in notepad++ etc. ?

Connecting only when I use b.o.?

I am not aware of any on my machine.

Edited by usserx (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...

After forums browsing, googling, struggling with hoster, system services, background programs, security settings, and, as a last resort, server change I have finally solved this.

At original installation at 1st server I had protected admin folder by password (.htaccess file). This file was transferred unchanged to a new server. But there were no user/password prompts in the new BO, so you "bypass" automatically the protection. This masked the problem. Somehow (now invalid) .htaccess tried to log-in in the background for every BO click. After removing .htaccess my problems ended.


So - not so ridiculous as you may think at first look :)


This is not really a PS error, anyway I suggest not deleting this thread, as someone can have similar issue in the future and may find this helpful.

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