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Database from prestashop use in older version

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Hi, I am getting issues in many parts of the prestashop i donloaded and built the store, this is the latest version.


I do find solutions for other older version and i was wonder if i cud use the database fro my store in a version to a erlier one, which might be more stable.


would this make the store front office and producs, categories, etc completly messed up=?








PS see if any one can answer my other post regarding age:



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problems are shippent and courriers not appeareing or appearing as and when they want in the check out. (but i am thinking to buy a shipment by zip code i found on the forum, but not sure if the courriers will appear in check out)


not possibility to make field of age compulsory, cant find it in the back office neither changing authentication.tpl or verification.tpl


search bar moved to side when page migrated to life server.


when paying does not appear an icon, that i believe is the paypal, but Ii have not started to look into that as i have given up in the oder issues and wnated to ask about the database.


thanks for both responses.




ps i use template base from prestashop default instalation-.

Edited by kenkokafe (see edit history)
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Another problem to note:


Using image slide, i Have created pages using CMS and products to link to the images. Interstingly, when I creat a product the image link to the product does redirect to the product it self. But if I create a page (using the CMS option) the on clicking the image it redirects to a random category.


I have not look into that yet but.. i will soon as i cannot believe so many issues are araising. Regards





the issues with the link is more or less clear, but i´ll have to change it when the website is live :´(

Edited by kenkokafe (see edit history)
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