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give every category its own template

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if you want to change only css styles - it is possbile with simple smarty changes + css modification, and it's easy to achieve.

BUT everything depends on what you exactly expect. Only category listing? Or maybe products too? Only css? or maybe also layout change?

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in the controllers/front/ProductController.php you've got something like:


 $this->context->smarty->assign('errors', $this->errors);


add there simple if condition (you can add as many conditions as you want)


if ($this->product->id_category_default==4){
} else {


code above means:


if the product default category is 4 - then prestashop will use product-layout-4.tpl file to display product

if default category will be different - then prestashop will use default product.tpl file



now you can create own layout file (located in your theme/YOUR_THEME/ dir) named product-layout-4.tpl

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you're welcome :)


btw. if you want to use MANY templates, it's better to use switch php function:


switch ($this->product->id_category_default) {
   case 1:
   case 2:
   case 3:


it's much better than if conditions, moreover, you can define default value


feel free to write if you've got any other questions related to this case



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