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Translation empty page

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I have prestashop


When i try to translate the front office theme fields through the back office a blank page comes when i am saving the translations.


This happens both for the greek and english language.


I checked the permissions of the translations files and they are ok. Also this happens only for default theme and not for emails or installed modules.


I turned error reporting on but nothing the same totally empty page comes up.


Is this a known Bug? Is it fixed in next vesions?


Can anyone help me?


Thank you in advance.

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Thats the part of the error log for today. Thank you.


thrown in /home/..../public_html/classes/db/DbPDO.php on line 57

[05-Jun-2013 10:43:15 Europe/Athens] PHP Warning: require(/home/..../public_html) [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: failed to open stream: No such device in /home/..../public_html/classes/Autoload.php on line 112

[05-Jun-2013 10:43:15 Europe/Athens] PHP Fatal error: require() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Failed opening required '/home/..../public_html/' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/..../public_html/classes/Autoload.php on line 112

[05-Jun-2013 10:43:19 Europe/Athens] PHP Warning: require(/home/..../public_html) [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: failed to open stream: No such device in /home/..../public_html/classes/Autoload.php on line 112

[05-Jun-2013 10:43:19 Europe/Athens] PHP Fatal error: require() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Failed opening required '/home/..../public_html/' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/..../public_html/classes/Autoload.php on line 112

[05-Jun-2013 11:34:18 Europe/Athens] PHP Warning: mkdir() [<a href='function.mkdir'>function.mkdir</a>]: No such file or directory in /home/..../public_html/controllers/admin/AdminTranslationsController.php on line 281

[05-Jun-2013 11:37:04 Europe/Athens] PHP Warning: mkdir() [<a href='function.mkdir'>function.mkdir</a>]: No such file or directory in /home/..../public_html/controllers/admin/AdminTranslationsController.php on line 281

[05-Jun-2013 12:38:15 Europe/Athens] PHP Warning: mkdir() [<a href='function.mkdir'>function.mkdir</a>]: No such file or directory in /home/..../public_html/controllers/admin/AdminTranslationsController.php on line 281

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