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Geolocated price rules

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I've wasted a couple of days on this already, and several Google searches have turned up nothing. This usually means I'm doing something insanely stupid, but I've no idea what :D


I want to be able to set up prices in NZ dollars, Australian dollars and US dollars, and have the customer choose which to select. So far, so good.


What I need to do now however is set the US$ price much lower than the other two, and then restrict the US$ price to US customers only.


I have enabled Geolocation by IP address already, and my pricing rules are set as per the attached screenshot, but my US prices are just shown as a translated NZ$ price for customers in the US (i.e. they see the price of US $42.62, not the expected $39.95).


I have added the text:

<!-- Country: {$geolocation_country} -->

to my header.tpl file, and I just get a blank value for the country variable. Same is true if I put it in products.tpl. This would suggest that no one is seeing the geo-restricted price because no one is being geolocated - correct?


Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong, or point me in some general direction of what I might have missed please? It all looks like it's set up correctly...


Many thanks in advance!


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try this;


remove the currency (ex USD) from your specific price, only base the USD price on IP located in US.


this based on your statement: "What I need to do now however is set the US$ price much lower than the other two, and then restrict the US$ price to US customers only."


you can use our free module to simulate different countries on your own browse to test each of the countries you are geo targeting. http://www.etiendas.co/en/39-prestashop-ip-simulator.html


Note: with native ps geo, when a customer logs in, all prices are then set to their registered country. We have a module that overrides this and keeps the country of the IP.

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Thanks for the reply, but I'm a little confused by your comment :

remove the currency (ex USD) from your specific price, only base the USD price on IP located in US.


How do I base the US price on IP, without doing what I've already done, that you're suggesting I remove?


And with the "customer logs in, all prices are then set to their registered country" - does this include for guests, should I be clearing all my cookies before re-visiting the page from the US?


And how come my {$geolocate_country} is NULL? Does that mean it's not working at all?


Sorry - very confused....

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