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Configuring Taxes for Canadian store, PS v1.4.10.0

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I've searched the forums for answers to these issues and have not found any that work. So, since the issues combine taxes and shipping, and, in desperation, I'm starting a new topic. If this is wrong, please forgive me!


We have used PrestaShop on a number of our clients' websites with great success. However, we have one client who ships from 2 different locations, the U.S. and Canada. When we first setup his store, we were using an early version of 1.4. We customized the skin to match his website. At the time, he was shipping from the U.S. to the U.S. and Canada. However, he wanted to the store to be more user-friendly for Canadians regarding pricing, taxes, and shipping. So, he setup distribution in Canada and instructed us to "duplicate" his U.S. store on the server and set it up for Canada. We did... or should I say, we tried. We got as far as setting up the products to display pricing in Canadian Dollars and we installed the Canada Post Rate Calculator (v 1.1). But then we tried to setup the taxes!


Ultimately and after much research (before 1.5 came out), we determined that we needed to upgrade to at least 1.4.6. We upgraded the Canadian store to We re-installed the customizations and set off to setup the taxes. And that brings us to now... HELP!!!


First, let me describe the current setup...

  1. Payments are setup with "Currency Restrictions" = "Canadian Dollar" & "Country Restrictions "= "Canada"
  2. Currencies are setup with only the "Canadian Dollar" enabled and set as the "Default Currency"
  3. Taxes are setup with GST = 5%, 3 HST entries of 12%, 13%, & 15%, and 4 PST entries of 5%, 7%, 9.975%, & 10%.
  4. "Tax options" (on same page) are set with "Enable tax" = "Yes", "Based on" = "Delivery Address", and "Use ecotax" = "No".
  5. Tax Rules are set with only "CA Standard Rate" enabled
  6. The Tax Rules are enabled and the tax for Canada = GST 5%
  7. The individual "State/County" taxes are set to various values, depending on the State, and the "Tax to apply" is also set to various values, depending on the State.
  8. The Shipping is set to a "Handling charge" of "$2.00"
  9. Billing "Choice of range" = "According to total weight"
  10. "Carrier" = "Regular"
  11. 2 Carriers setup, both are Canada Post and both are enabled. One is "Regular"; the other is "Expedited".
  12. Each is setup with "Apply shipping cost" enabled, "Shipping & handling" enabled, and "Tax" = "CA Standard Rate"
  13. "Billing" = "Default behavior"
  14. Only Zone enabled is "North America"
  15. A selected set of products (there are over 200 products in the store) have been setup with "Pre-tax wholesale price" = 0, "Pre-tax retail price" = product price, "Tax rule" = CA Standard Rate, & "Additional shipping cost" = 0

The problems I'm still having are:

  1. The "Tax to apply" settings are not accurate for all States. I thought this was automatically set when Canada during installation
  2. The Tax is displayed in the cart, using the default Canada rate of 5%, before the destination is entered. Your documentation shows that there should be a setting, "Display tax in cart" in Tax options that controls this. I cannot find this setting under Tax options or anywhere else, for that matter.
  3. Even though I've set "Tax" to CA Standard Rate for each carrier, the tax is NOT including tax on the shipping
  4. Regardless of the product purchased or the destination, the cost of shipping via Canada Post is the same whether Regular or Expedited is chosen

Anything... ANYTHING... you can do to help me with this or point me in the right direction, would be greatly appreciated, Sabrina. This client has been waiting almost 6 months for the Canadian store to go live.


You can email me at [email protected].


Thank you, in advance, for your help...



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Hi Clem,


I have the same problem, and I wish we could find a solution soon.

By the way, could you please let me know how you set the canadapost module, as I have the same version as yours, but I got error connecting to canada post.

Your help is truly appreciated.




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