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[solved] SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user Migration issues

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define('_DB_SERVER_', 'mydomain.com');

define('_DB_NAME_', 'db_name');

define('_DB_USER_', 'USER');

define('_DB_PASSWD_', 'PASSWORD');

define('_DB_PREFIX_', 'ps_');

define('_MYSQL_ENGINE_', 'InnoDB');

define('_PS_CACHING_SYSTEM_', 'CacheMemcache');

define('_PS_CACHE_ENABLED_', '0');

define('_MEDIA_SERVER_1_', '');

define('_MEDIA_SERVER_2_', '');

define('_MEDIA_SERVER_3_', '');

define('_COOKIE_KEY_', 'JBHsfpzQDp1jdCuvfOk56PtesR8v9OtZ8zKJUiiDvEIOhvU0iLVA4VXD');

define('_COOKIE_IV_', 'rwoQzQAu');

define('_PS_CREATION_DATE_', '2013-05-28');

define('_PS_VERSION_', '');

define('_RIJNDAEL_KEY_', 'Q40DL3quxMuuziFcWzOMpaeLGUWu6NUD');

define('_RIJNDAEL_IV_', 'HsFZAFZcCn4ip0LwSIyJAg==');



This is the settings.inc.php file as it stands in my servers. gives the error on the Topic tittle.

everything appears to be right. if changed to localhost settings shop works on pc.


I have cleared cache and it does not work. Any ideas. Havent found nything like this post for prestashop, i did for other things but do not clarify.


Now i have deleted and created a new DB and user. still not working




Edited by vekia (see edit history)
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so you migrated from localhost to remote server. Then you changed settings file to support new database.

But you've got "Access denied for user" error. right?


well, are you sure that you use correct mysql server + username informations?

you pasted the code with:

define('_DB_SERVER_', 'mydomain.com');

maybe try to use localhost value for this constant?

usually remote sql servers use "localhost" instead domain name.

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