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Categories titles doesn't change

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Hi all,


I have 1541. Let's say, I create a category. Then, I'd like to rename this category. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen, and instead of simply renaming a category, I have to delete the category, than recreate a new one, with the desired title.


How can this be fixed?


Best regards,


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1. what prestashop version you use?

2. After changing category name, any communicate appear? Category rename doesn't work both in Back Office and Front Office?


Hi Vekia,

1. I use 1541

2. No, no communicate appears. Category rename doesn't work for sure in back office, and for the front office, I'm right now struggling with a brand new template (from here), so I don't know yet whether there is a problem from the new template, or from Prestashop core code. I'll come back w. an answer asap, in the day.




Edited by andreicosmovici (see edit history)
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