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https link

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My site has got a ssl warning, because there are few "http" link on a "https" page.

I've set up ssl mode from admin, but category tree links are still "http".

The other link on the https page are all fine.

Do I need any set up for category tree on lift navi to show link with "https"?


Please advice me.


Thank you.

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Thank you for replay.

I'm using ps ver 1.5.4 and a theme which I bought from http://presthemes.com.

But I think the default module is used in this case.

Because it is seems like the module "/modules/cscatalogmenu/cscatalogmenu.tpl" show these category link on the left navi.


I did not set up any module regarding left navi layout, just input categories data from admin,

then the links is showed on the left navi section.


Is there any problem on the theme ?

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without an access to the website is hard to say what's going on. I think that you must edit module tpl file to support https instead the http


any other links without ssl appear? or it appear only in cscatalogmenu ?

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Thanks for reply,


It appear only cscatalogmenu and blockblog, any other links are okey.

I fixed blockblog by using code bellow,

--- {if isset($smarty.server.HTTPS) && ($smarty.server.HTTPS eq "on")} ---




--- $base_dir_ssl ---



But cscatalogmenu is more difficult to fix, like bellow,




{foreach from=$blockCategTree.children item=child name=blockCategTree}

{if $smarty.foreach.blockCategTree.last}

{include file=$branche_tpl_path node=$child last='true'}


{include file=$branche_tpl_path node=$child}







I don't know which files I should fixed...

Could you any advice about it ?


Thank you for your help.

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I thought any other links are all fine to be "https" automatically, but seems like so many other "http" links are still existing...


I fixed the category link on the left navi to be "https" to modify Link Class and blockmanufacturer.php.


Prestashop or the theme is looks dose not care about ssl...

Edited by ass (see edit history)
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Sorry about that... I didn't know that meaning...

And I didn't understand why he/she request to change my name.

Now I know...I'm ashamed... and I fixed my nick name.


And thank you replay me.

I should test or ask before buy a theme next time.

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