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Back Office Categories Breadcrumbs Bug

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I've been racking my brains to find a solution, but it has been impossible for me.


There is something strange I do not understand, I exported the categories of a prestashop 1.4 to 1.5.3 and in the back office happens what you see in the picture, the breadcrumb not built properly, I must say that this only happens with the 2 larger categories, and in others the breadcrumbs are constructed normally.


I tried to do a thousand things and all without success.


The first thing I've done to narrow the problem is to do a fresh install of prestashop


I upgraded ps_category tables, ps_category_shop, ps_category_group and ps_category_lang. This is the minimum for carge categories and see that the problem persists.


Then I tried the following, enter ps_category and remove all cell contents Nleft Nright and then entered the back office and edit a category and keep the data to regenerate and Nleft Nright values​​, this attempt does not affect anything.


In the front office all categories works perfect, and the breadcrumbs too. But I would like to know what is due and how it can be fixed.


Attached is an excel with the values ​​in the tables and see if you can try at any local environment and know that happens. (If you want to try you can upload to data base with navicat)


Thank you!



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