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After payment, redirect URL with key doesn't work, without key does work

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Hi all,


Our webshop has been working well for a couple of weeks, but somewhere in the last few days suddenly a problem appeared:


After check out, the payment module is loaded (there are 3, but all end up the same). When payment is accepted, the module redirects to the url:




where ####### is a key. But when it redirects, it gives a 500 server error, so the customer doesn't see the confirmation. The order is however processed, and in the backend of the shop the order appears and all looks fine.


Now i've tried to enter the same URL in the addressbox of my browser WITHOUT the &key string, and that works fine (it redirects to the order history). So for now, I just edited the payment modules to redirect to:




And now when the customer places an order, it is being redirected to the order history after the payment is accepted.


Does anybody have the same problem? Does anybody know any solutions or hooks where to start looking for a solution?


Also, is the url without the key still secure?


Thanks all in advance.

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