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Log error - major crash warning.

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Hi all


For 18 months I have had a issue getting my BO to work properly with PayPal. I finally got the issue resolved and things are working okay with 1 exception.


I have started getting an error log message saying the following error has occurred.


Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart

This has a severity of 4 - major crash


Please can somebody tell me what to do to put this right. It does not appear to stop people buying!!



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I've executed a new order. No one error. The only error my tracking-tool registered is an image missing for footer.png at

/themes/shopping/img/footer.png which is redicrecting to 404 HTTP-code.


The problem is coming on which step ? Are yourself trying to place a testorder ? Please delete cookie sessions and domain cookies on your browser and set the following settings to:


Check the IP address on the cookie = Yes

Lifetime of Front Office cookies=240

Lifetime of Back Office cookies=240

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Thank you cd2500


I have done the above. it was set to 480.


I was not trying to do a test when the error message appears. I assume it has been customers.


I will see what happens now. I did not get an error message for your test but 2 emails in my spam folder telling me about undelivered mail, return to sender.


many thanks



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