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file size problem

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customers must send me pictures files so that I can customize the items that I offer, but only cares about the customer can not send me larger than 200 kilobyte file, it is ridiculous for the photo.

I'm running

You can set the file size to download?


thank you in advance




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Have you tried backoffice>preferences>

Limit upload image value ?


If it is 2MB by default, then it seems that your hosting provider limits the upload size. You can increase it by contacting them, by accessing php.ini file via your cpanel (if you have permission) or add that line to your htaccess file (a little difficult and depends on the configuration of your server)

Edited by MEG Venture (see edit history)
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go to the:




you've got there something like:

<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="2000000" />


and increase value="" param


Hi Vekia,


I guess this problem is about product customization.

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create script with phpinfo();


To create a phpinfo file, open a plain text file, add the following lines, and save:
Filename: phpinfo.php upload it to your server, then open yourstore/phpinfo.php file in browser

you will see specification of php settings for your hosting account


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