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[SOLVED] Strange order/carrier problem...

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For every new order is created, guest or costumer, on back office-order-shipping tab, i see a second shipping for that order with a previous date, always the same date, probably the date i first tested or installed Prestashop.


So for every invoice i see two shipings and two carriers, which is wrong. I only have one set as default and the wrong one shows up as "my carrier", prestashop's default i think...


I have downloaded every order delete module i could find, i have deleted all orders and all costumers data.


Where else could that "ghost" order or shipment info can be??

Edited by yanc (see edit history)
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Ok, found the solution by myself:


Ι am using the Order Delete V.1 module by Nemo BUT it doesn't delete all data from db.


I found "deleted" orders still exist in prstshp_order_carrier table which caused the problem.

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