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how to use friendly URLs

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Hi there


I'm a completly newbie and have a basic question regarding friendly URLs:


I want to activate it, but an error occurs, says: URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server, or it is not possible to check your server configuration. If you want to use Friendly URLs, you must activate this mod.


But I can't adapt any mod_rewrite config in my php configuration file...


My PrestaShop config:

Server information


Server information: Linux #2 SMP Tue Jan 10 15:49:22 CET 2012 x86_64

Server software version: Apache/2.2.22

PHP version: 5.4.9

Memory limit: 256M

Max execution time: 300

Database information


MySQL version: 5.5.28-log

MySQL engine: InnoDB

Tables prefix: ps_

Store information


PrestaShop version:

Current theme in use: default

Mail configuration


Mail method: You are using the PHP mail function.

Your information


Your web browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:21.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0


Thanks in advance for your help!


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A mod_rewrite engine is software located in a Web application framework running on a Web server that modifies a web URL's appearance. This modification is called URL rewriting. Rewritten URLs (sometimes known as short, fancy URLs, search engine friendly - SEF URLs, or slugs) are used to provide shorter and more relevant-looking links to web pages. The technique adds a layer of abstraction between the files used to generate a web page and the URL that is presented to the outside world. It's necessary for friendly url. so if you havent got mod_rewrite available on your hosting - you can't use friendly urls.


we don't know your hosting packet, so it's better to contact with your hoster

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Thank you very much for your fast reply.


I just activated friend urls now, well, the error still occurs, but when I test my shop, it works fine...

I should be happy with this, perhaps the error message will disappear one day;)

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  • 1 month later...

exuse me for this incredibly stupid question, but I am new to the online world and try to do my best, but I get so lost sometimes with so much info:


I have the same error message displaying, so how do I proceed to test if friendly URLs work?


Thanks :unsure:

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well, if you see this message (in back office about fr urls) you don't have to worry, it's because script haven't got rights to check it.

How to test it? just turn friendly urls on, if website will work - it mean that you've got it :)

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