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I need Help connecting products with the right carrier shipping cost

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I am really sorry! I know that this post may be annoying because it is very long.

I created a new item in my admin page (e.g: Hello Kitty Balloon) and I put $1.99 for the shipping.

In the Carrier section, I chose USPS.

USPS is the carrier that I created myself (not using the USPS module).

Note that I put 0.03 lbs in the weight field of the product.


In the shipping settings, I chose Free shipping starts at $10. it works if the cart total is $10 or more. if the total is less than $10, it shows $1.99 shipping fees.


I am NOT sure who the "billing options" in the shipping settings page will affect the cart. It would be great if you give me a simple example. This is my first question.


Now with all the settings I mentioned above, I installed USPS module, I chose two Delivery services only (First class and Express).


I did NOT set any rule for the categories or products. The cart shows the two delivery options in addition to USPS that I created. The First class Delivery option $2.07 in the cart. and the express delivery shows $14.


My second question is: where did this $2.07 come from?! In other words and in general, if the products that I entered do NOT have any weight entered, does the USPS module work properly? Is it able to calculate right shipping cost?


I am going to delete the carrier USPS that I created when the USPS module work properly.


Thank you SO MUCH

Edited by moody (see edit history)
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