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Several problems on loading the Web

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Hi all,


I've been 1 month struggling with the website and trying to improve te loading time, but now I think it's so messy and slow. I used google PageSpeed to solve things, but it just doesn't recognize some of the changes


I activated all the CCC, cacheFS, cahe, no console, no template compilation. But the website it's really really slow.


Maybe you can understand the issue from this analysis: http://www.webpagetest.org/result/130530_3J_23KX/


There you can see that it takes some seconds to redirect to index.php which I don't understand.


I'd really appreciate if someone can check it and tell me something about it: http://goo.gl/GMvoE


Thanks you very much!

Edited by omar2886 (see edit history)
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Hi, thank you two for your help. But do you think this would be enough for solving constant erros such "Too many connections to the database" ? and it has nothing to do with MySQL configuration, I've checked it with my hosting provider.


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